Recent content by VMAXer

VMAX  Forum

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  1. VMAXer


    Welcome Julian! We're glad to have you join us!
  2. VMAXer

    Motorycle For Sale 2009 Gen 2 for sale

    @Davelaf You may not receive an answer since the thread posts were all from 2022.
  3. VMAXer

    What are you listening to?

    Those sound interesting. So far, the only ones I've found with regular guys and personalities are stiff and nothing like that. I'll have to keep looking.
  4. VMAXer

    What are you listening to?

    What podcasts are you listening to? I'm looking for new ones.
  5. VMAXer

    What are you listening to?

    What are you listening to while you cruise the net? I'm looking for new music. I typically go for slower stuff but have found myself revisiting the classics quite a bit.
  6. VMAXer

    Hello Vmax owners!

    Welcome to the forum.
  7. VMAXer


    Welcome to the forum.
  8. VMAXer


    Welcome to the forum.
  9. VMAXer


    Welcome to the forum.
  10. VMAXer


    Welcome to the forum.
  11. VMAXer

    New member 2002 VMAX

    Welcome to the forum.
  12. VMAXer

    New member, long-time Vmax rider:

    Welcome to the forum.
  13. VMAXer

    Hi, hoping to be a new-to-me owner soon

    Welcome to the forum.
  14. VMAXer

    Scammer within our forum. PLEASE BE CAREFUL. Admin please ban him

    This is what has been done. When a new member registers and becomes a member of the forum, there is a certain number of posts that must be made before they can create a private message or edit their signature. I've talked with the mods and they know the exact settings and if they get...
  15. VMAXer

    Scammer within our forum. PLEASE BE CAREFUL. Admin please ban him

    Is there a new one that has not already been taken care of?