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    • Whitster61
      Whitster61 replied to the thread Carb Tuning.
      Check all of your rubber boots. Both on carbs an on the V-Boost. You could have a vacuum leak on those.
    • Whitster61
      Whitster61 replied to the thread NewComer.
      Yamaha has a long history of weak second gear, in certain models. Of course, the 1-2 shift does tend to be the most violent, when...
    • Whitster61
      Whitster61 replied to the thread NGK spark plug numbers.
      Autolite makes a very good racing plug, that has a fine wire electrode, like you described. I used to run them, in my old 1979 Suzuki...
    • Whitster61
      Whitster61 replied to the thread NGK spark plug numbers.
      Resistor plugs are generally for reducing radio/stereo interference. They are not for performance. If you're not using a sound system on...
    • Whitster61
      Whitster61 replied to the thread NGK spark plug numbers.
      With NGK, the lower the number, the hotter the plug heat range. The higher the number, the colder the plug heat range. For instance, my...
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