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  1. V

    Pending Magnacharger install - tips?

    I was going to bench flow the set up to look at possible internal manifold diverter plates to even the distribution but was advised I would have a hard time replicating the real world dynamics. So I’ve installed bungs on each of the primaries and will be monitoring both afr and temp readings...
  2. V

    Pending Magnacharger install - tips?

    Thanks for the info Paul. Does sound like I am opening a can a of worms. So much for simply bolting on a low boost setup to start... I will give you a call in a few weeks after I've done some more assessing of what I have vs what I need.
  3. V

    Pending Magnacharger install - tips?

    I just picked up a substantially complete Magnacharger kit and am in the process of gathering other odd bits and ends. Sean M. has graciously provided some input but I do have some other questions for those that have had a kit installed. . My preference is to start with low boost and basically...
  4. V

    Kosman wheel help...

    For anyone who has done the 18" you have the offset measurements that you used?
  5. V

    Carb flooding - not float related

    Got fuel spewing from the main jet on one of my carbs. Pulled the carb apart and needle seat and float clean and working well. I'm going to do a complete rebuild and assume the issue is the o-ring under the jet block. Are there any other common source of problems I should be looking for? Thanks...