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  1. tfisher65

    Anyone Feeling Crafty?

    Mine doesn't look anything like the sample. What did I do wrong?:confused2:
  2. tfisher65

    The VMOA yes or no

    Looks like an opportunity to represent the VMax community in your area.
  3. tfisher65

    First Dyno Pull

    I believe the S1 needles have a smaller/faster taper which would make it richer through the power curve. Am I right guys?
  4. tfisher65

    First Dyno Pull

    +1 and get rid of the "Dynojet Stage 1 Needles" and go back to stock.
  5. tfisher65

    VBoost Motor

    Yes it should.
  6. tfisher65

    Thought I'd share my Spring time to-do list!

    Quote from Dynabead's web site; "Can I put the tire on a balancer to see if it's working? No. Dyna Beads operates on physics principles, and requires the tire assembly to be in motion against a road surface to detect the exact counterbalance position. An electronic balancer has a solid, fixed...
  7. tfisher65

    fork springs

    So on this crappy, cold rainy day I put the stock springs back in with the Ricor's and 5w oil. I'll post after a test ride later this week when the sun is back out. If I don't like this set-up I'm going to try just the Progressive springs and 10w oil without the Ricor's.
  8. tfisher65

    Drain cock valve assembly

    Yes you can buy just the o-rings. It's the same one used to seat the draincock assembly into the thermostat housing. Part #93210-14579-00.
  9. tfisher65

    New VMOA Shirt!

    Already received mine... nice shirt.
  10. tfisher65

    Coolant Change

    IMO, I would remove the drain cock valve to finish draining the rad rather than turning it to drain through the system. The reason I state this is because when I removed the drain cock valve a bunch of crap came out that settled in the bottom of the rad and drain hose. At first it looked like...
  11. tfisher65

    Happy Fricken Birthday!

    Happy belated Birthday Day you old fart. I hope I make it to 60. I know if I had bought a Max back in 85 I wouldn't be here today.
  12. tfisher65

    Looking for input about chaps

    IMO chaps only look good on chicks! Hot sexy ones with their ass perched on the back of a bike for me to follow. :biglaugh: Yeah, no fetish here.
  13. tfisher65

    American Food in Hungary? (not quite)

    Not sure about American or Canadian for that fact but British for sure. I love cucumber slices on hot dogs and hamburgers. They can keep the corn though. The only thing corn is good on is the cobb covered with butter, salt & pepper...MMM. Thanks for the info, keep it coming & stay safe!
  14. tfisher65

    Speeding Tickets anyone??

    Damn you got lucky.
  15. tfisher65

    Is it possible

    Silver Spring has not listed their ride and Rhodesdale will be listed in the next VBoost issue.
  16. tfisher65

    Speeding Tickets anyone?? What's your most expensive? Mine's $185.00.
  17. tfisher65

    Vmax Insurance Ontario

    +1 on Primmum. $750 pr/yr full coverage, however I'm 45 not 25.
  18. tfisher65

    Is it possible

    Just took a quick look and this is what's listed for MD as newest members. Rhodesdale MD Silver Spring MD
  19. tfisher65

    Dyna Ignition

    The only thing I did was being as you need to mount it upside down in order to fit the stock mounting tabs and have access to the dip switches from the left scoop was I put a nice layer of dielectric grease over the switches to keep water out. Two years, lots of washes and rain days with no...