American Food in Hungary? (not quite)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
So here I am in Hungary getting used to customs, etc., some of which are really weird to me. They sell an orange cola here and printed on the label is "the new american taste." See the attached photo. I don't remember ever seeing orange cola in America. Also they serve pizza with corn on it. Yes, if you order Hawaiian pizza it will come with corn. Then yesterday I went to a store where they were selling "American hot dogs," but the picture showed sliced cucumbers on it. Then to top it off, last night my family went to McDonald's and they had some "American specials." I ordered an American New York BBQ burger. Yes, it came with lots of corn on it. Maybe these people should go to America before labeling their food as "American." Just a thought...:confused2:

So here I am in Hungary getting used to customs, etc., some of which are really weird to me. They sell an orange cola here and printed on the label is "the new american taste." See the attached photo. I don't remember ever seeing orange cola in America. Also they serve pizza with corn on it. Yes, if you order Hawaiian pizza it will come with corn. Then yesterday I went to a store where they were selling "American hot dogs," but the picture showed sliced cucumbers on it. Then to top it off, last night my family went to McDonald's and they had some "American specials." I ordered an American New York BBQ burger. Yes, it came with lots of corn on it. Maybe these people should go to America before labeling their food as "American." Just a thought...:confused2:

Not sure about American or Canadian for that fact but British for sure. I love cucumber slices on hot dogs and hamburgers. They can keep the corn though. The only thing corn is good on is the cobb covered with butter, salt & pepper...MMM.
Thanks for the info, keep it coming & stay safe!
They may not know **** about our culture, but they are for sure proving they don't hate america like so many other countries.

I'll take it as a compliment.

Pickles on a hot dog? WTF?
I've seen fully loaded hotdogs before. They were complete with lettus, pickles and onions. It reminded me of a bologna sandwich c'ept in hotdog form.
+1 Kelly, I love 'em. They call them Chicago Dogs here in the midwest.
pickles on hot dogs is pretty standard, but corn on pizza?
I have an Asian female friend that likes spinach pizza. (Just spinach and cheese). What a waste of pizza.... :puke:
They aren't pickles, they are cold raw cucumbers. I could probably manage one with pickles.
Another item of Hungarian news: A person I work with got a ticket a couple days ago. You're gonna love this... for walking near (not on) the road without a reflective vest on. He was just out for a walk and the police gave him a ticket. Crazy! :ummm:

Also about half the people with bicycles actually ride them. They seem to enjoy pushing them everywhere. I can't figure that out at all. And EVERYONE walks their bike across the street. I've never seen anyone yet ride one across the street. That's probably another law... Fortunately we brought our bikes from the U.S., they are at least about $250 here.
next thing here in the usa is going to be a ticket walking close to the road with a cell phone lol its all over the news here today they are cracking down on driving and texting... ok back to Hungary oops
From what I've gathered the whole roads/driving aspect of society is taken much more seriously in Europe than it is in the US, and laws are enforced much more strictly. I've heard in some countries speeding even 20km over the limit gets your license yanked if you're caught.

In some ways I'd like to see stricter traffic laws in the US to get the truly clueless drivers off the road. If you cause an accident because you were dialing your phone, no more license. Caught DWI, done. No "first-second-third" offense ladder of consequences. If you kill someone DWI, it should be carry the weight of a murder charge, not a comparative slap on the wrist "negligent manslaughter" charge most end up with, often serving no jail time, or only a few months at most. In the northeast when there's a whiteout snowstorm, the jerk-offs still going 75 on the highway should be shot IMO. I'm in 4x4 in the truck, going about 20mph. I see some big ass SUV from *drumroll* New Jersey blow by me like it was a clear sunny day.

Probably because I ride a Vmax, I think speeding should be "prudent". Some midwest states had no speed limit until recently, instead posting "prudent speed". Their accident rates were no higher than anywhere else, despite average speeds often well into the 80's and 90's, so all the crap about "55 saves lives" is just that. Last I heard, they put in a 75mph limit on the highways from some federal law.
Is says America... Don't assume it's the U.S.

There's South America with all its countries and Canada as well...

I'm sure they meant us though...
