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  1. dtoebaert-5311

    Thank you Sean!

    Somehow i knew :pullhair:
  2. dtoebaert-5311

    Thank you Sean!

    Yep, that was the original plan! Want to see it "in the flesh" though before deciding...two more days..:bang head:
  3. dtoebaert-5311

    Thank you Sean!

    Still in Beijing, but the dealer sent me some pics of the new bodywork/carb covers/BIG tach...mounted to Llamrei :th_image003: Thanks Sean :eclipsee_gold_cup: Now please some honest opinions - I had asked to do away with the speedometer (who needs it anyway :ummm:) and put the tach in dead...
  4. dtoebaert-5311

    Sad Day

    The only bad thing about dogs is they live so short. +1000
  5. dtoebaert-5311

    My new ride..... come on summer!!!!

    and its 100%stock basically :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
  6. dtoebaert-5311

    I have to wonder,,,

    Why did it take so long for many of us who have been riding for years and have had dozens of bikes to finally get a VMax? Maybe, just maaaaybeeeee, because they were/are ridiculously overpriced?? There`s a 2009 Gen-II sitting at the dealership close to my home, 20K (Euro!), I can`t imagine...
  7. dtoebaert-5311

    Epic **** lmao!
  8. dtoebaert-5311

    What is your job title

    Now that should be a career switch! If Japan doesn`t work out you might consider China, they`re expanding their high-speed train network at a rapid pace (lately opened a 2300km long track between Beijing and Guangzhou), and the atmosphere is much more relaxed than Japan
  9. dtoebaert-5311

    Self explanatory.

    should make a t-shirt out of it
  10. dtoebaert-5311

    What is your job title

    Chief Engineer They insisted on 'Manager' but I stood my ground :biglaugh: `Chief` means you`re still 'one of the boys' :clapping:
  11. dtoebaert-5311

    Sharky's Max project....

    that Kwak cover does look mean on the Max! just don`t paint it green, OK :rofl_200:
  12. dtoebaert-5311


    sorry for breaking into this thread, will shut up after this, but John, nice piece of work, actually looks very nice I think, pointing upward would even look better I think, would be some real "GenI,5" exhaust :)
  13. dtoebaert-5311


    Now there`s an idea! Anyone gifted with photoshop to make up a pic of exhausts mimicing the scoops?
  14. dtoebaert-5311

    Damon Ferraiuolo video tutorials

    from another thread... Damon replied and asked that is anyone is looking for his videos to PM him here at VMF (Damon) or to email him at: [email protected]
  15. dtoebaert-5311

    Damon Ferraiuolo video tutorials

    OK, then post a link or so:worthy: Even if available online, a good job should get rewarded
  16. dtoebaert-5311

    TJD customs

    received on january 16th he got my money november 27th :damn angry: reson of my upseting Come on, nov27-jan16, including bank transfer, Xmas/new year holidays,...:ummm:
  17. dtoebaert-5311

    itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny odometer/speedometer

    thanks for all the responses! will surely post pics when everything is fitted!
  18. dtoebaert-5311

    HOW TO: Remove Rust From Chrome

    Coke works for sure, probably more acid than the vinegar...
  19. dtoebaert-5311

    Taking off the restrictors on the sliders

    going from restricted to full power needs installing the complete Vboost: electronics, hardware (cable), butterfly valve. There`s a guy in Holland who can do it for you, makes a nice trip! been there, done that... will cost around 1000Euro
  20. dtoebaert-5311

    What is your job title

    A Max in "police" outfit - what a sight that would be!