Taking off the restrictors on the sliders

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Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
Manchester England
hi All Can someone tell me if I remove the restrictors on the carb sliders will it make any difference to the performance and will I have to change anything else
I don't want to mess around for now with buying vboost bits
I have read somewhere that by removing the blocks alone will give the bike a chance to rev cleaner? Please can you advise
Many thanks nig196
I didn't bother to do a 'search' on this topic, but I haven't a clue in hell about what he's asking! Maybe he's asking about the carb-chain sliders?:rofl_200:
mmm maybe the plastic piece that is on the bellows for the japan made bikes???......is that what your asking, a picture is worth a thousand words..... or i need more coffee....
Well I wondered if it was a foreign VMax issue, but from the member location tag, I didn't think anyone would have a restricted import, when there are so-many for sale here. I suppose someone could be based overseas for awhile & that's the accounting...he is working on something overseas. More-info is better than guessing, and a pic is worth 1000 words.

A pet-peeve, incomplete addresses! Adding UK after Manchester would help us to better-comprehend from-where the question originates. Many of the stateside posters are guilty of the same thing.

Then-again, it could be 'Manchester NH!' That's where my neighbor is from here in Mia FL area. Another damned overpaid union fireman who is retired, with two houses!:rofl_200:
there was a thread a few days back i think made into a sticky about setting up a jap made bike. the carb changes and rev limiter stuff etc etc, might be a good read for ya if thats what you go on your max.....
I've looked at the previous thread about changing from a non full power to a full power I just wondered if I took the restrictor rings off that it might make it rev harder as its very quick now and revs right through the range .mine was imported lat year from Tokyo and only done 17000 miles thanks for all your replies
Thank-you for the update, that info may help us to understand a particular question or concern you post.

I have a Manchester Terrier, the terror of the household, he is so-fast and agile! I couldn't catch him if I wanted to! He is the delight of my wife and I, besides the children and grandchildren. A great companion, always ready to give you love. And, a proven vermin hunter/killer!

Glad you are getting the info you need, lots of knowlegable members w/experience in many areas, always willing to help. That thread which was mentioned should help you.
That's great about the dog I hope it's nice in Miami at the moment cos it's snowing here ,so no chance of getting out on the max I've wanted one for a long time but not keen on the chrome look so saw this one in black only payed 2500 pounds and its a one owner and still feels tight .cant wait to get back out !!!! Thanks for your help and quick reply Nige.
for sure the change to the carbs will help, cant hurt right hahah, they already took care of that for you....

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