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  1. Falaholic

    Looking for a proxy in Poughkeepsie, NY and/or Mamaroneck, NY

    Hey guys. Kinda need some assistance, looking for a proxy. If you live in the general area, please PM me.
  2. Falaholic

    Biker gang shooting, TX
  3. Falaholic

    Linking all 4 carbs together?

    Has it been thought of? Just as the VBoost has the carbs linked 2 and 2, what about adding a second line to link all 4?
  4. Falaholic

    Toys other than motorcycles you wish you still had... has been known to rot the brain.
  5. Falaholic

    Thunder 2015 - its official!

    Just wanted to throw this out there, for all the Southerners. Auto Train, from Sanford, FL to Lorton, VA. From Lorton, its a 3hr ride. AAA members and students $95.40 each way. 17hr train ride, but think of all the quality time you get to spend with Boxcar Willie.
  6. Falaholic

    Thunder 2015 - its official!

    Yes you need to make a new thread to start a poll. I'm all for the first depiction; subtle.
  7. Falaholic

    Thunder 2015 - its official!

    I'd say Tees. Cut offs can be made is one really wanted one. BTW, you could make a poll on this matter.
  8. Falaholic

    Is the Engine VIN supposed to match the Chassis VIN?

    I'd say give corporate a call and see.
  9. Falaholic

    Is the Engine VIN supposed to match the Chassis VIN?

    My apologies, I was not clear on my last reply. My VINs 'do not match'. Called corporate, and confirmed that my engine and chassis are mated original.
  10. Falaholic

    Is the Engine VIN supposed to match the Chassis VIN?

    Just got off the phone with Yamaha Corporate. Confirmed that the chassis and engine VIN do match. I assumed that they would have records showing. If anyone is interested: 800 962 7926 , just tell em Fal sent you :biglaugh: .
  11. Falaholic

    Liquimoly fuel additive

    You'll get the same smooth feeling using Marvel's Mystery Oil.
  12. Falaholic

    Is the Engine VIN supposed to match the Chassis VIN?

    Would it be possible to call Yamaha and confirm what chassis VIN matches engine VIN?
  13. Falaholic

    Damn i love texas!!!

  14. Falaholic

    Is the Engine VIN supposed to match the Chassis VIN?

    So, can I call...and will you accept the phone charges...:rofl_200:
  15. Falaholic

    Push Start?

    :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200: This made my day... Really man thanks!
  16. Falaholic

    Push Start?

    Haven't tried it yet, but wanted to ask if push starting the V is simple. 5mph start, then dump the clutch in first? Or does the rear tyre just lock up and skid?
  17. Falaholic

    Is the Engine VIN supposed to match the Chassis VIN?

    Geeze, looks like I kicked a bees nest on this one. I would expect that both to match. If bike were stolen; example. Worse example: you're pulled over, cop runs VIN on your engine, comes back that the VIN matches a chassis that was stolen...tender lovin commences.
  18. Falaholic

    Is the Engine VIN supposed to match the Chassis VIN?

    Confirm this for me. Also, the engine VIN is on the left side, just above the left peg?