Mine match exactly.I may be wrong but I don't think they match..........................Tom.
Why would they not? Are there that many that needed motors?Few match, most won't...
Obviously that doesn't mean anything if parts have been swapped out. So you could have a different motor in a different frame.
The only thing that matters is that you have a title for your frame and its clean. A different number motor means nothing. I guess if it was pushed hard enough and it was a stolen serial number on the motor, it could cause a problem, but that would be pretty rare instance.
For many years they did match but for whatever reason in the late 90's into the 2000's they had a few that did not and not sure why that was.
So, can I call...and will you accept the phone charges...:rofl_200:
I can tell you we have seen that is not the case with bikes owned by the original owners. It's not very common to have had it that way but it has happened.