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  1. thundermax

    Gel Riding Gloves

    What and how to do shoulder rolls?
  2. thundermax

    Gel Riding Gloves

    Used to we're gel riding gloves when I rode a Cannondale bicycle. Had gel in the palm and on the fingers, they were tipless. Now I am looking for some gloves with a lot of gel padding. Let me hear from you what gel gloves you use. have been looking at a lot of them from motorcycle superstore.
  3. thundermax

    First Summer With The VMax

    Guessing that is about 15 minutes to redline, on the gauge. Does the fan stop the temp rise or does the temp start going down, once you flip the switch? Wonder if anyone has ever just put a lower degree thermostat in one?
  4. thundermax

    Is Crimp Fix Needed?

    Have a 2005. Is the crimp fix still needed on this year or later? Hear Yamaha fixed a lot of things but don't know if they fixed this one. Don't really seem to have any electrical issues. Have my seat off and thought if need be I'd do it. Thanks!
  5. thundermax

    First Summer With The VMax

    Yes this is my first summer with the Vmax. Here in central Oklahoma it gets hot, hot, hot. Right now it is 90 degrees outside. So when I ride to town from 12 miles away the temp gauge reads in the middle of the black area. When in town in the stop and go traffic the temp gauge increases at stop...
  6. thundermax

    Ran the Vmax against some of my others... Fantastic

    Thanks for the report. Nice to know of another max rider in OKC area. I live south and east of Norman.
  7. thundermax

    Sheepskin seat cover

    What I was thinking was a sheepskin with the gel inside of it like they offer at ProPad. Was thinking of using in conjunction with Maxgasser seat on trips. Lower seats than factory makes my knees crimped even more and makes my legs hurt. So I was thinking raising myself about 1 to 1.5 inches...
  8. thundermax

    Pro pad sheepskin gel seat pads

    Thanks O. Now looking at maxgasser seat.
  9. thundermax

    Pro pad sheepskin gel seat pads

    O can you post a picture? What size do you have? Did you get at JC Whitney? Thanks
  10. thundermax

    Pro pad sheepskin gel seat pads

    Please post your review of this product if you are familiar with it. Am considering.
  11. thundermax

    My bikes puttering! Help!

    May be one or more of your a/f pilot jets are clogged up. Mine was cylinder 3. This is a dangerous condition. In idle no. 3 did not fire. When I would take off there would always be a jump as the cylinder fired up with throttle. If I was turning and taking off it was dangerous because I had the...
  12. thundermax

    Gun Buy Back Program

    Trouble in paradise. More and bigger guns in the wrong hands along our southern border.
  13. thundermax

    Stock Vmax Grips

    I ordered the small grips for 7/8 inch handlebars. Hope they go on without trouble.
  14. thundermax

    Stock Vmax Grips

    Which foam grips did you get?
  15. thundermax

    Stock Vmax Grips

    Vibranators. Have one recommendation for them. Are there any other users out there using this anti-handlebar vibration device. One version for 1 inch id handlebars, the device goes inside the handlebar. It looks like on the Vmax version, the device has it's own end cap. The web site...
  16. thundermax

    Stock Vmax Grips

    Have the stock Vmax grips on my 2005. It is a flat rubber grip, not a lot of insulation, no gel, etc. After riding for a while my right hand starts to get a little numb. Guess it is the vibration and the grip I put on the throttle. Does anyone else know what I am talking about? On my last...
  17. thundermax

    Bike security systems

    As a deterrent to construction site thefts, contractors attached a GPS device to the article. Has resulted in location of tools, etc. Don't know what it is. This has always been a concern for me, thefts, ever since losing my 1974 Yamaha RD350 in 1975 to a thief after only having it for a...
  18. thundermax

    Spark plugs...

    I replaced my spark plugs last week. Have a 2005 with 9,800 miles, the previous owner did not remember ever changing. It cost less than $8. I could tell a difference after changing. Maybe it is psychological, but seems it has more pep. Anyway, it is just something you do after getting this kind...
  19. thundermax

    Fuel Filter question

    Is there any other reason to change it other than fuel restriction? I thought about it but do not have any restriction problems, etc. Guess the only reason other than restriction is just planned maintenance. Have a 2005 and likely the fuel filter has never been changed. Yamaha recommends at the...
  20. thundermax

    Starting Up Cold

    Is it normal operating procedure to put the choke on to start for the first time in the day? I always put it on to start first time then let it run at 1500 to 2000 rpm for a minute or two. Is this normal for every one else?