Gun Buy Back Program

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Oct 9, 2007
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Carlsbad So.Cal./92010
Here in SanDiego they are having another gun buy back program.This is supposed to take guns off the streets to make us feal safe. Unfortunately gang bangers & other criminals love these programs.They get to turn in there piece of **** gun,"No questions asked" for $200bucks, turn around & get a better gun.Always stolen!! Wate it gets better,Where do you think there getting the money to give to these bad people.Yep, are own educational system.This is a perfect example of people who think they can pick up a turd from the clean end....Maybe i'll move to Mexico,NAAAA!!! :rant:
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Trouble in paradise. More and bigger guns in the wrong hands along our southern border.
I would bet Eric Holder knows nothing about this gun program either !

As long as we are so called a free country, with the right to bear arms, we are the most powerful group of gun owners in the world and there will always be someone trying to take that away from us. The part i can not understand, these groups keep doing the same thing year after year and the public falls for it. In fact we elect officials that appoint the likes of eric holder as attorney general to one of the few countries with the right to bear arms. give me a term for the opposite of poetic justice please. It really is elementary Crimminals do not abey the law.
Maybe he is working with the ATF to help arm south of the border types again, but this time using guns turned in by our law abiding citizens so they can be used against our law abiding citizens? :bang head:
Isn't becoming a Socialistic Society just great...... Cali leads the way.... Maybe I'll move to Russia.... Hell, I'm a Vet, I'm profiled as a potential Terrorist here... Rant, Sorry....
These buyback programs have been proven to be completely ineffective. All the guns that get turned in are usually either heirlooms or junk people found in their basement. It's purely a PR thing, since the chief of police and the mayor posing in front of a big pile of guns that are now "off the street" makes for a nice photo op for the papers.
These buyback programs have been proven to be completely ineffective. All the guns that get turned in are usually either heirlooms or junk people found in their basement. It's purely a PR thing, since the chief of police and the mayor posing in front of a big pile of guns that are now "off the street" makes for a nice photo op for the papers.

Politics at work, Sells more papers...:rofl_200: