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  1. max_caper

    New VMOA Website

    Cost might be off-set by using VOIP. Blaine
  2. max_caper

    New VMOA Website

    How about a toll-free number VMOA phone/pager number? Not everyone has a blackberry or even a cell phone. Members in need of help could make an inexpensive call from a payphone and hopefully be directed to a local member who could lend a hand. Blaine
  3. max_caper

    Bought my 1st official H-D merchandise!

    The spill pads under the miniatures is an awesome idea! Thanks! And thanks for the doggy compliments. We got him from the rescue 4 days ago. The lady who was fostering him used to tuck all 4 pounds of him inside her bike jacket and take him for rides on her cruiser! I think I'll try that...
  4. max_caper

    Comment by 'max_caper' in media 'Bill's 02 Vmax'

    Great looking bike!
  5. max_caper

    Bought my 1st official H-D merchandise!

    My chihuahua runs a bit slower now but he has a louder growl. I picked up extra pee-pads in case he starts to leak! Kidding! Blaine
  6. max_caper

    Bought my 1st official H-D merchandise!

    Saw this item and couldn't resist! It's the real deal...made in the USA! Blaine
  7. max_caper

    our pathetic police

    "Rogue"? "Running"? No, those are words that imply action! LOL! Blaine
  8. max_caper

    our pathetic police

    Not much better in many areas of Canada. Blaine
  9. max_caper

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    There's a locking tab on top of the ram mount. Simply push the tab downward and it secures the gps in place. A locking screw adds a bit of extra security so that no one can simply pluck it off your bike easily. The screw head is very unorthodox so it can't be undone with a regular...
  10. max_caper

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Garmin Zumo 550 review: (1st impressions)! Received unit from GPS city with 36 hours of ordering from GPS city. Unfortuntaly the first GPS I received had a defective bluetooth chip and would not "talk" to my scala. GPS City had a second Zumo 550 at my house in 3 days (due to back-order)...
  11. max_caper

    New VMOA Website

    Jon, Thank you for addressing my question about differences between the clubs. What you mentioned above is definately a plus for a paid site. Jim, You mentioned your site is still a work in progress so I can respect that you cannot provide all the answers. As the person most "under the...
  12. max_caper

    New VMOA Website

    Jim, you mentioned the words different and complimentary when describing your new vmoa website. I questioned you as to how your site would be complimentary (e.g. opposite) to what this site represents. If I seem overly persistent it is because you really didn't explain why it was...
  13. max_caper

    New VMOA Website

    Not exactly "no cost", Jim. I have donated money and input to this forum because it has provided a reliable and enjoyable venue for riders to meet online. Contact info is good. The contact list on the VMOA site is great. I made a paper copy years ago because you never know when/where...
  14. max_caper

    New VMOA Website

    I'm not sure where you came up with the idea of "something for nothing", Jim. When a member of this site used his auto club membership to get a fellow rider and his bike home this was considered a good thing, right? Blaine
  15. max_caper

    New VMOA Website

    A few years ago I bought a nice fork brace and a couple of VMax patches at the VMOA store. These items had the VMax and Yamaha logos but no vmoa logo. I am not currently up to speed on what's being offered at the VMOA store. They used to sell several patches, hats, and shirts with the word...
  16. max_caper

    Anyone have the Go Cruise?

    I agree it is a more expensive than the alternatives you mentioned. It also takes up a lot of room on the grip and you can kiss goodbye heated grips. On the plus side it shouldn't ever break under normal use. I hardly ever go on the superslab and I get lots of use out of it...there's...
  17. max_caper

    New VMOA Website

    Substitute "Maple Leafs" for "VMOA" in your above statement and you've captured the opinion of almost every diehard Toronto hockey fan! LOL! Blaine