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  1. DakRatFink

    Please check your tires

    Better question, how did it the guy put air in it without seeing that?
  2. DakRatFink

    I am not starting a tire thread..but..

    I am running these currently (since last summer) They seem pretty good overall for a bias ply tire. One caveat is I have developed a high speed wobble over 115 this spring but I can not say for sure it is the tires ( it felt more stable last year when I was 70lbs heavier ) Aside from the speed...
  3. DakRatFink

    Harley RWHP

    So it would be like buying a Max with stock seat for comfort ;) I didn't mind the Street Glide I rented last year in WI. It was nice to have a radio up under that fairing.
  4. DakRatFink

    How cool is that

    Pretty cool.
  5. DakRatFink

    Anyone seen this before? Interesting VMax/ RoyalStar hybrid.
  6. DakRatFink

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Looks sweet Rollie. Are the tail section and bellypan carbon fiber or carbon look?
  7. DakRatFink

    polishing air caps

    Grimmie, those look great. For the upkeep, have you tried the Mother's polish and their powerball? I've had good luck with their stuff for upkeep on polishing. Arlon, Good luck with your project.
  8. DakRatFink

    UK Ghost Rider article

    Being active duty military, I can see where is is coming from. The powers that be have not come up with a legal way to lawfully order us to not ride, however we have to jump through all sorts of hoops and sign a a dozen pieces of paperwork and get a dozen briefings saying that IF we choose to...
  9. DakRatFink

    Not Your Average Chopper!

    I found that FZR the other night while shopping EBAY for parts for my 600. veryinteresting to say the least.
  10. DakRatFink

    Mrs Max's neck of the woods

    That is also my former neck of the woods. I still own a house in Columbus, MS. I don't know, I haven't heard from her in a while. I never saw any of her pictures though.
  11. DakRatFink

    Having trouble to keep vmax running

    Start Your Engines additive does work well. Used it with great success on my old FZR. Also, Surrey where? UK?
  12. DakRatFink

    Having trouble to keep vmax running

    I would start with making sure the carbs are good and clean and work from there.
  13. DakRatFink

    life is good 2

    Plenty of lakes like that near Bismark, Nd, too ( there are just frozen over 1/2 the year. LOL)
  14. DakRatFink

    homemade bellypan

    Very nice. Material?
  15. DakRatFink

    T Bucket

    Oh well, I don't think anyone is complaining you posted it in the wrong place, yet. :)
  16. DakRatFink

    2003 vmax with UFO exhaust and vgas

    Hey Sparky, welcome to the forum. Keep us posted on your tuning adventures. Happy Riding!
  17. DakRatFink


    Anyone else like how her hair matches the wheels?
  18. DakRatFink

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    I lowered the front end 1/2 inch ( raised the fork tubes up in the triple clamps), if for no other reason than cosmetics and to just see if it made a little difference in the speed wobble. I didn't run flat out, but at 105-110 passing cars on the highway, it felt a little more stable. i didn't...
  19. DakRatFink

    Single side vmax front

    I was just thinking the same thing.