Having trouble to keep vmax running

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Aug 30, 2011
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I am having issue to keep my vmax running.

I can start up the bike with choke, but when I turn off the choke it dies.

or with the choke on, If I crank gas a bit it dies.

ppl have suggest it might be the sync issue, but I am still trying to get a sycn tool.

from time to time I head some high pressure air leak sound from intake, so I took a video with intake open, and this is what I found. (if you look closely, at 0:31 top left intake has some white stuff coming out)

if anyone can give me some guidance it will be great ~~

Video is here
I would start with making sure the carbs are good and clean and work from there.
Idle Jets are clogged in the carbs... Shotgun Proceedure time. Or, you could try some Non Ethanol
Gas and run "Start Your Engine"... Treatment, As the directions suggest......
Use Non Ethinol if you're not already...
Start Your Engines additive does work well. Used it with great success on my old FZR.
Also, Surrey where? UK?
I bought some seafoam, do I just add 1oz seafoam to 1 gal of gas ? if I add a little bit more will it be okay ? cause I am not sure how much gas in the gas tank.

Surrey, BC Canada
I bought some seafoam, do I just add 1oz seafoam to 1 gal of gas ? if I add a little bit more will it be okay ? cause I am not sure how much gas in the gas tank.

Surrey, BC Canada

Take 4 oz to the pump, pour it and fill her up
Or the othetway around...bring 4 gallons to the bike, pour 4 Oz of SF and top off the tank
Regards from my Taptalking Hercules Android
Another question, I added seaform to the gas tank and start to keep the engine running for 10 mins, and between time to time I rev the engine to 4k rpm. and I see some smoke coming out of left side under the gear box ?!?!?
I quickly shut the engine off, I hope I didn't damage anything. Just for the reference I change the engine oil to shell rotella T6, and oil level is a little bit over the max line, it that matters.
Having oil overfilled is never a good idea - under pressure it can blow gaskets and also get into places it shouldn't go. I would either drain a little, or use a phat syringe to suck a bit out.

Your smoke, however, could be either ***** dislodged by the Seafoam, or some of your oil being spat through the motor and burning. don't think it's much to worry about.

What's Shell Rotella T6? Is that the equivalent to the Rotella T 15W50 found commonly in the states?
The smoke under the left side is MOST LIKELY a very small oil leak there someplace and it's just getting heated up good by your exhaust system.
I remember mine sounding quite a bit like that a month ago. I did have a similar problem as you in the beginning. I could not rev above 4K without it dying. I gutted and cleaned the carbs and replaced ALL jets. After the clean and gut I sync'd the carbs and adjusted the AF mixture screw and now she purrs like a kitten.
i recall when replaced my airbox by just throwing on indy pods that I could not get the bike to rev over 4k. coupling this personal experience with your "choke" probs, I'm thinking your running VERY lean. Either you have fuel supply problem (prolly not very likely), clogged jets, or an air leak. Make sure your manifold and airbox couplers are securely fastened and the boots aren't cracked. do a shotgun and a peashooter at least couple of times. make sure the fuel bowls are getting filled (again not very likely that the lack of actual fuel is a problem, but it doesn't hurt to look if you run out of ideas and/or possible remedies).