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  1. M

    Shift light

    anyone have a shift light with limiter built in?
  2. M

    Got My License Today

    wow a vmax for a first bike
  3. M

    video of my max and questions - again

    sounds that bad huh? It runs great other than what seems the return cable sticking. Changing the shaft dive oil, and fuel filter this weekend and caliper seals and pads to fix my front break and hopefully the issues with the cable and revving issue. Then I guess all is left is carb work. Like...
  4. M

    Shift light

    lol that does not sound easy!
  5. M

    Shift light

    How easy are these to install?
  6. M

    Shift light

    Hi all, some may have read my post of me racing the other day and looked down and was almost at 11rpm. Didn't know the max had no limiter. Anyway I wanna get a shift light so I do not blow it up. Any recommendations? Price and ease of assembly are my biggest factors here!!! Thanks!
  7. M

    video of my max and questions - again

    nah it is going in for a job at my yamaha dealer, one of the techs has a lot of experience with them and works for my friend. Also i need to get a limiter or shif changer or something. Was racing someone earlier and looked down and was over 10rpms. You guys have any recommendations?
  8. M

    video of my max and questions - again

    you guys must be getting sick of me now aye? Just you guys know so much. Anyway i took a vid of my throttle issue, it does not stick unless I am riding but you can see that the revs do not come back down quick and smooth like they should! Sometimes it will when I set the idle a little higher...
  9. M

    running rich

    erm??? So what do I need to look at?
  10. M

    running rich

    Air filter was not too bad, i did put a new one in the other day anyway though so not that. Thanks for the advice though
  11. M

    running rich

    no plans for an exhaust. Just trying to do all the necessary stuff right now. I pretty much broke the account buying this bike as it was not planned - well planned on getting one just could not pass on this one!
  12. M

    higher rpm?

    lol im getting a little more used to the max now, feels a lot different to anything I have ridden before so I will stop lugging now
  13. M

    Wheelie poll: Who has brought the front end up?

    ready for the newbie dumb ass question? Only had vmax a week so do not laugh. How do you guys get the front up? I have gave mine the throttle a little but do not see how the front end would come up much? It did a little when I pulled from a light yesterday but never come up in second - what revs...
  14. M

    running rich

    As far as I know everything is completely stock on the max! My magna ran a little rich but I never could smell the gas like the max - especially with the choke on in the mornings?
  15. M

    running rich

    You know, one day I am going to have a bad ass max. My bike is running way rich, smells like gas real bad when starting up, friend said he could smell it while riding behind me too. Gonna have to get the carb job done after all I think. I am kinda sick of worrying about it all. I just hope I am...
  16. M

    Exhaust pop

    I was getting a pop - since we changed the air filter and sprayed all the carb cleaner/engine top stuff into the intake it has not popped since - or may have been the sea foam. Not sure if that fixed my issue but it stopped doing it
  17. M

    got max back from mechanic

    yup break fluid. Pads soaked a lot in them so got new pads just waiting to get seals before I put them on. We cleaned the rotars with de-greaser and they worked good for about 10 mins and got the fluid all on them again. Not a big deal though. I am still riding it just gotta get it sorted this...
  18. M

    got max back from mechanic

    Thanks, Ill look into that. Anyway I recommend that GM stuff for poor idles and not picking up to quick. A few sprays into the intake helped my bad boy. The smoke from the transmission fluid freaked me out but I am just so happy it runs better! Hope to ride with some of you guys one day!
  19. M

    higher rpm?

    Just read a post saying the max needs higher rpm? Mine only has 6,000 on it but driven slow I am sure at low rpm's and the last few hundred I cruise at low rpm's but you guys say better to cruise around 4,000rpm? That correct? Is fine by me just thought I was being nice to it
  20. M

    got max back from mechanic

    Running a lot better. What we did. Just changed the oil, oil filter, air filter and plugs. He put some transmission oil a little or something on the plugs so it smoked for a min or too but ran a shitttt ton better after. Also he sprayed some GM engine top stuff??? Into the air take, I asked what...