Exhaust pop

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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2009
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I let my bike warm to operating temperature with choke.
Idles fine at around the 1k w/ no choke.

When I rev it - it gives me one pop when I get OFF the throttle.

So far the only mod I know of is my hindle 4into1.

I am wondering if this may be a tune issue... or perhaps an exhaust leak?
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Could you be more specific? Is the pop excessively loud? Is it as soon as you let off, or later? Do you have other reason to believe your exhaust might be leaking? A little more info might help us help you. BTW you get better responses when you post in the proper forum. I.E. Exhaust forum.
from what ive heard.... any aftermarket exhaust on a vmax is going to have a deceleration pop....
I was getting a pop - since we changed the air filter and sprayed all the carb cleaner/engine top stuff into the intake it has not popped since - or may have been the sea foam. Not sure if that fixed my issue but it stopped doing it
A lot of times it's as simple as a leak. What happens is your exhaust can aspire air in through a gap in the gaskets at the heads or at a joint so when you let off the gas the carbs are still pumping gas into the engine at which point it gets into the exhaust and mixes with the oxygen rich air getting sucked in and can POP when it burns. Newer bikes have a system (Suzuki calls it PAIR) that actually pumps in fresh air on decel to burn the unspent fuel. This isn't noticeable until you put a new (louder) exhaust system on which leads to the decel pop or after fire. On the newer bikes you just seal the spot that it sucks the air and it'll stop.

If you come to believe it IS NOT carb related I would look into using some high temp RTV (copper colored) and seal all the joints in you system and then look at your exhaust gaskets or at the very least check that all the flange bolts are tight at the heads.
