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  1. J

    Lean vs rich

    So, they are all 3 1/2 turns give or take a quarter turn...
  2. J

    Lean vs rich

    I have not as of yet checked this, I'll check it tonight and let ya know.
  3. J

    Lean vs rich

    Well, the saga continues, so I decided to take my freshly carb synced bike to work this morning, it is a balmy 36 degrees here in PA, so I rode most of the way with the choke on at least a little. The bike did get to just above the cold line, but barely. I had to keep it choked or it would bog...
  4. J

    Raptor shift light

    That's a good idea! It came with a piece that slides over the top, I thought that would be enough, but it would appear not. I think the head shrink tubing is a great idea though. I'll try that. Joe
  5. J

    Raptor shift light

    So, I just installed a raptor shift light, worked great, everything seemed setup properly, then I did some other work, went in for the night. Later that week, it rained. You know where this is going, right? So, came out last night, fired the bike up just to see how it was running since I just...
  6. J

    One cylinder "popping"

    Well, ****, that just makes FAR too much sense. :) Thanks, got it, Idling much smoother at 1000 now, darkness is my enemy, so one more sync next time I have daylight and don't want to ride her, but a quick zip down the street and back feels a LOT better than it did. Very smooth idle, and...
  7. J

    One cylinder "popping"

    Yes, I had read that, but I didn't see the idle thumb screw on the left hand side, is it the phillips head that I can see there to the left of the balancing adjustment?
  8. J

    One cylinder "popping"

    WOW, so I hooked up the carb sync tool and went to work tonight, BAM, all 4 were out of sync, this bike is running like freaking NEW now, well, almost. :) It's nearly synced up, but I can't get the left and right synced since it's idling at around 900-1000 and when I turn the screw it seems...
  9. J

    Just found out I'm totaly ignorant

    Brings a tear to my eye. :) You guys are way nicer than some of the other forms I visit, but then again, the tone of those forums is understood, and they are much more discussion and debate, and much less help and support. It can be fun to go "full on dick mode" in a forum, when you know...
  10. J

    Fallen Rider, Steve Harris

    Sorry for your loss. None of us gets out of the rat race alive, but it's still so hard when someone close to us passes. Joe
  11. J

    One cylinder "popping"

    OK, more data, I am waiting on my carb sync tool to show up, but I started her up, and noticed the right rear is the one having the issue, I had the airbox off, and at idle, it would pop , and I could see the fire in the air intake of that carb, that was the only one doing it, all the rest were...
  12. J

    One cylinder "popping"

    Wow, you guys are awesome, that's such a great amount of info! I have narrowed it down I can hear it coming from the left side of the bike, and it's the left muffler that I can feel isn't firing correctly (popping etc) so given that I hear it "chuffing" (for lack of a better word) back into the...
  13. J

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    The output from this particular one is pretty awesome, but it's been hacked, and the damn bulbs aren't staying up in the lenses. It's got two HID bulbs shoved into the lenses, but I don't think they are fastened correctly. I really love the look of this thing, so much that if I can't get it...
  14. J

    VMax mechanic in Northern Virginia

    Spoken like someone who has the tools and the knowledge. I have a little knowledge, and a little skill, which we know is just enough to make me dangerous. :) I took my last 85 to a guy out in western PA to do a Stage 7 jet kit on her, he did a bang up job, that bike ran great, he did remove...
  15. J

    VMax mechanic in Northern Virginia

    This might be a good thing to sticky, I'd like to know a good one here in Central PA, near Harrisburg as well. Just a thought. Joe
  16. J

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Well, today was Cyber Max install day. I think it turned out pretty nice. Still have OEM, should I decide I want to go back, of course.
  17. J

    One cylinder "popping"

    Haha, no, I'm running a nice dose of seafoam though it first, just to see if that clears it up. If that fails, then it's on to the next step. Joe
  18. J

    One cylinder "popping"

    Mine still has the stock foam filter, and the Y is still present. Other than taking it to someone who would know and having them tell me, I don't know of another way to tell if it's been jetted. It is odd that he would dump the cash into a voo-doo and not jet to match it.
  19. J

    One cylinder "popping"

    I don't know if I do or not. I bought her used, and while she does have a Voo-Doo 4 into 2 on her, I don't know if the carbs are stock or not. The airbox is stock, and from what I understand that's usually not the case if the bike has been jetted. Joe
  20. J


    Sorry to hear about your loss. We foster dogs, and we have 3 of our own that were all rescues. It's hard to lose a dog, they are amazing animals, and seem to know humans better than most other humans do. Joe