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  1. D-Max2012

    Engine paint touch up- Who has done it?

    Yes, I know what you mean.. The cans can look messed up with a dents in them, and because of the double wall, you can't knock them out.:bang head:
  2. D-Max2012

    Engine paint touch up- Who has done it?

    I'd say it came out pretty great!!! Today I remounted the tires and touched up behind the front tire.. There was a lot of surface rust. Now after the tires are re-mounted, I now have to attack the cracked up paint on the calipers.. It never ends.. lol!!
  3. D-Max2012

    Engine paint touch up- Who has done it?

    Agreed.. Very nice.. I would rather pull the motor if I had a garage. Now off to re-mount the wheels and clean up a little on the oil filter cap and coolant pipe..
  4. D-Max2012

    Engine paint touch up- Who has done it?

    Osiris, I also painted my engine while mounted in the bike.. Yes it takes a LOT of time on the prep work. You did a nice job there - looks nice and smooth.. That two tone mat and high gloss looks nice on the heads. My wheels were messed up. For some reason, the previous owner removed...
  5. D-Max2012

    Engine paint touch up- Who has done it?

    Looks great.. Need some before shots, to really appreciate the work.. Tackled my messed up looking wheels today.. Again, was not looking for perfection by no means.. Just trying to make them look a little better than they were.
  6. D-Max2012

    Winter Project nearing completion.

    Looks great.. I just hand painted my busted up looking engine last week. The previous owner really neglected the bike. After spending a lot of time getting the engine running right, I figured a little beautification is due.. lol Your paint job looks way better than mine :eusa_dance: I was...
  7. D-Max2012

    Just want to ride.

    Just for the hell of it, check it again once the bike is fully cooled down.. Maybe check it in the morning.. If you find that it only works when cool, then fail once heated up, you may have a pulser pickup failure. My 91 had this happen out of no where. The 91 has a single pulser pick-up.. I...
  8. D-Max2012

    Thunder 2018 rollcall........

    Just booked my room.. C U Guys there.. :eusa_dance:
  9. D-Max2012

    Spark plug boots

    Ordered these last year.. On the reviews, it's used on the Vmax.. So far, So Good..
  10. D-Max2012

    Engine paint touch up- Who has done it?

    Honestly, I had to take several close-up looks, to see if missed painting under the cylinders, because it blended in with the original paint. Very hard to tell any difference.. If I had the tools to air brush my engine, I would not be able to tell if it was factory or DIY. Since I had to use...
  11. D-Max2012

    Engine paint touch up- Who has done it?

    The paint itself is one part, but its a 3 step setup to do it.. As per their website, and testimonials, it's Oil, Transmission fluid and Gas resistant.
  12. D-Max2012

    Engine paint touch up- Who has done it?

    I used this, since the kit comes with everything you need, and the reviews were great. Before I ordered it, I asked them for a sample of colors.. The Velvet Black looked like the stock engine color and sheen, so I went with it. Also, I was very impressed with the Tank Coating Kit, I used 5...
  13. D-Max2012

    Engine paint touch up- Who has done it?

    Will do.. Thanks
  14. D-Max2012

    Engine paint touch up- Who has done it?

    Well, Finally got a chance to tackle my aged engine paint. 1st I did a standard wash with soap and water, to get the surface grime minimized. Next I brushed and air blasted away any loose paint areas I could find. Then I used the 1st part of that KBS Paint system called Kleen. This removes...
  15. D-Max2012

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Painting my old looking engine.. Was not looking for perfection, just trying to make it look a little better than it was.. Still have a bunch of touch-up work to do, on the aluminum areas. Possibly painting the Yamaha Tuning forks on the side covers. (might go with black and polish the...
  16. D-Max2012

    Still got that fricken bug.

    That sounds reasonable to assume that, since you did notice the LED meter resets, when things start acting up. I'd start the bike, then start mimicking stresses by pulling or shifting any wire, that can move at all. Chances are you'll be able to find it.. Good luck with that.
  17. D-Max2012

    Still got that fricken bug.

    Be careful wiring a meter "In Line" or In Series, with the battery. Most meters are not designed to handle that type of current passing thru them, especially at start-up. In parallel should be fine to get a reading. If there is a dead cell, or intermittent issue, your meter will show a value...
  18. D-Max2012

    New guy, first vmax, turn signal issue

    You can always simply add some washers to the stem.. They may stick out from the bike a touch more, but that just makes you that much more visible. Not a bad trade off IMHO..