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  1. 4gasem

    Easy three spoke front rim

    Tom at COO would be the easiest if you live in the U.S. Chris
  2. 4gasem

    Almost widowed the family the other day...

    Nice! Glad you're OK!
  3. 4gasem

    Yellow box for speedo correction & more

    I have the speedo-healer on my SV and LOVE it. At the time, it was MUCH easier to use than the yellow box unit. Chris
  4. 4gasem

    Bracing the frame behind the engine?

    Your analogy is flawed. The benefit doesn't outweigh the negative effect of the train rails weight. Thanks for playing...
  5. 4gasem

    We're #!!

    I spend 10-14 days of my life in FL every year and I am always amazed how bad the driving is. The look on peoples (Q-tips mostly) faces is one of utter confusion. You can see in their eyes that they have NO idea where they are, or how they got there. People in FL LOVE to drive down the...
  6. 4gasem

    Bracing the frame behind the engine?

    Saying it's the strongest doesn't mean it couldn't be stronger. My take on things like this is, if you have it apart, you have the steel and the welder. Will it hurt to add them?
  7. 4gasem

    Bracing the frame behind the engine?

    Most people just gusset it.
  8. 4gasem

    Fun at work

    That's not a Bobcat... That's a Case skid steer... lol looks like fun though!
  9. 4gasem

    Well, got my Purple Heart... The real one!

    Congrats and thanks for putting yourself in the line of fire for our great country.
  10. 4gasem

    oil filter question

    lol I have an award for you!
  11. 4gasem

    oil filter question

    If it was late, try again. If you don't get it lined up right, it'll act like it won't thread on. Chris
  12. 4gasem

    more finger nails?

    Remember, you want RELIABILITY TOO!!!
  13. 4gasem

    oil filter question

    M-110 fits my 2006 with NO issues!
  14. 4gasem

    annoying tuner giving my VMax shi!

    It was such a piece of ****, so they only made them 22 years...
  15. 4gasem

    10 x 10 canopys

    Read the reviews on these things...
  16. 4gasem

    Thinking of selling my Max....

    I hear ya Zippo! I have mine stored in my parents basement, but they are fully insured. I plan to just do basic fire and comprehensive next year on them and get them ready to sit for a while. I don't have the time or want to ride them right now, but they're paid for 100%. Good luck, Chris
  17. 4gasem

    Rear Shocks

    I thought OEM was 13"... I went to 12.5" with the same size wheel and tire and am happy. With 11.5's the tire contacted the inner fender too much. Especially with a passenger aboard. Chris
  18. 4gasem

    10 x 10 canopys

    EZ-UP is a top brand! Amazon has them. Not sure if blue is a choice, but worth a check see. Chris
  19. 4gasem

    bad ass engine paint

    Mine isn't black. It's a flat metallic black. Solid colors are easier to touch up! Just saying... Chris
  20. 4gasem

    Fixer?-1985 for sale via craigslist in Iowa

    I'll be in Desmoines in October... Nice enough looking bike. Chris