10 x 10 canopys

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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
I am looking to get a nice blue 10' x 10' canopy. So many makes and models out there but which are the sturdy of them all that will last? I dont want a piece of junk with plastic parts, but dont want to spend a fortune either. Let me know what you have or highly recommend.

Thanks in advance.....
I saw a nice one in red, with "Ducati" on it. A mere $1,000 & it's yours! Unfortunately, you have to have the folding mechanism shimmed every two months, which requires a dealer visit & $400...but it sure is pretty!

Another one is from H-D, it comes in black w/orange trim. It measures 8' X 7' but is only 5' in height. "if you have to ask, you wouldn't understand." The local outlet requires you to purchase a chrome-plated ground stake set if you want to buy the tent, an extra $1,800.
I saw a nice one in red, with "Ducati" on it. A mere $1,000 & it's yours! Unfortunately, you havee to have the folding mechanism shimmed every two months, which requires a dealer visit & $400...but it sure is pretty!

Another one is from H-D, it comes in black w/orange trim. It measures 8' X 7' but is only 5' in height. "if you have to ask, you wouldn't understand." The local outlet requires you to purchase a chrome-plated ground stake set if you want to buy the tent, an extra $1,800.

Hmmm....was I supposed to laugh at those?
EZ-UP is a top brand! Amazon has them. Not sure if blue is a choice, but worth a check see.

I am looking to get a nice blue 10' x 10' canopy. So many makes and models out there but which are the sturdy of them all that will last? I dont want a piece of junk with plastic parts, but dont want to spend a fortune either. Let me know what you have or highly recommend.

Thanks in advance.....

There are several people up here who got thiers from here. They use them at the drag strip for parking under and take them to picnics and BBQ's

I was impressed. When I start racing again, I'm definately going to get one.

If your looking for just the square type, go to the "beach canopy" section. All and all I think you'll like what they have to offer.
EZ-UP is a top brand! Amazon has them. Not sure if blue is a choice, but worth a check see.


Thanks Chris,

Thanks good to know since this was the brand I was considering. I know I want a strait up leg style that gives you a true 100sq' coverage. This should be good for a couple of bikes to sit under.
We just picked up a coleman one from walmart that is a 12x12. Adjustable height, nice bag with wheels. Price was very reasonable. You could spend more for a better quality one but I figure these things, no matter how much you spend, have a limited life span.
We just picked up a coleman one from walmart that is a 12x12. Adjustable height, nice bag with wheels. Price was very reasonable. You could spend more for a better quality one but I figure these things, no matter how much you spend, have a limited life span.

Hi Mike,

12 x 12 is a bit too big I believe. I am watching walmart for the clearance sale now to see what they come down to. Thanks!
We just picked up a coleman one from walmart that is a 12x12. Adjustable height, nice bag with wheels. Price was very reasonable. You could spend more for a better quality one but I figure these things, no matter how much you spend, have a limited life span.

Mike's right about limited life-span. No matter which one you buy they seem to be inherantely delicate (and that's without adding beach sand into all the joints) I have a couple now and have been thru a few also. I've found that it mostly comes down to how robust the pivot points are. The ones that have a reenforced plastic pieces (preferrably metal) on each side of the hole that the rivet goes thru lasts longer IMO. Unfortunately, unless you buy one at the store that has one set up for display you can't see how this area is built up. Buying thru the catalogs/internet pages you can't see this area either.
hey i just saw a 10x10 at Dick's on sale for 49.99 regular price is 99.99. i have one and have no problems

+1...for 49 bucks you can afford to expect 2 or 3 full seasons out of them and be resonably happy...unless you consider $300 to $400 do-able .