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  1. Hatter

    Air Hawk Seat Cushions

    Worth every penny!
  2. Hatter

    Good News, Finally

    As for the Max, it must have been running lean on the top end for a long time, but I was was trying to see what top end actually was, I got to 142 mph, and burned a hole through the #3 piston. Bored, bigger pistons. Rings, seals and gaskets. And a carb sync. 8)
  3. Hatter

    Good News, Finally

    Finally, I have just heard from my doctor that I am almost done with my medical problem, just one more procedure to go this Friday, and I will be A-OK!! Back in June, I was diagnosed with kidney stones. One was 9mm by 6mm, the other was 17mm by 10mm. Generally the largest that will pass is...
  4. Hatter


    Way back when, I have been bitchslapped by good hands of Allstate, been on the wrong side of Nationwide, plowed under by Farmers, just plain ******-over by State Farm. And now I'm with a George Soros want-a-be. Great. Just great.
  5. Hatter


    I am with Progressive for now. $675 per year for full coverage on my 07 Max. 07 VTX1300, and an 08 Goldwing. As unamerican as he is, I can't afford to move until I find someone cheaper, and so far, I haven't. I will look again when my term is up.
  6. Hatter

    hope these are good

    I am saving up to put CBs on both of our bikes. It would have a cable, and an antenna, but I could talk longer distances, Talk to my dad on his Goldwing, and get "Bear" reports from truckers.
  7. Hatter

    Tank bags any suggestions?

    Saddlemen has a couple of tank bags actually pictured on a Gen 1 Max. Looking at getting one of them.
  8. Hatter

    Found an 07 NOS today

    I have to say I thought about trading myself. My dealership here is finally finishing a rebuild of my 07 (under warranty). For peace of mind, I would love to get a new one, I just don't want to start payments over again.
  9. Hatter

    Start a VMF list for Brothers stuck on the road

    I am in. Covering South Arkansas.
  10. Hatter

    First engine mods.any suggestions??

    Warranty is up on my '07 in November, I want save up for a Marks exhuast and a Morley Jet Kit. After that, shocks and emulaters.
  11. Hatter

    Well, I guess that warranty finally pays for itself.

    Well I went up to the dealership over the weekend, and talked to the service dept. The service manager was the only one wanting to do the heads. Even the tech said it didn't need it, and he didn't want to do it anyway. So I told them not to do the heads. Warranted parts should be here...
  12. Hatter

    Well, I guess that warranty finally pays for itself.

    Sean, if all this was on my dime, you would already have the bike there ! The bike has 30,000+ extremely hard miles on it. Driving it back and forth to work, rarely a day went by it didn't see 100+. The carbs have never been touched, still at stock settings. Thanks, Dave. I was luckly...
  13. Hatter

    Well, I guess that warranty finally pays for itself.

    I am assuming that they will replace the bearings.
  14. Hatter

    Well, I guess that warranty finally pays for itself.

    Ok, so, a few weeks ago, I was riding home from a friend's house, it was late, no traffic, and I was on a nice 4 mile straight. I decide that it is time to take it to top end and see what she's got. So I get her up to WOT in high gear, and all in the world was perfect! For about 10...
  15. Hatter

    Local ******** cuts wide swath

    I believe they will find that he died of ALP. Acute Lead Poisioning
  16. Hatter


    It is not the Governments job to "protect us from ourselves".
  17. Hatter

    Test Drove Victory

    rddevill hijacking hatters page . one I haven't seen mentioned is the honda valkyrie cheaper than my wing . you would not lose performance with it . I ride with hatter all the time and my wing is right there with him from stop to top although I can't here my radio after 120 (: (
  18. Hatter

    Concealed Carry Weapons, Firearm

    Crimson Trace just anounced a new laser for all Taurus PT Millennium Pro that does NOT have rails! LG-493 Laserguard? for Taurus Millennium Pro | Front Activation Fits Taurus Millennium Pro except railed models. $209 | COMING SOON
  19. Hatter

    my first harley ride

    I don't understand it either. Every other bike on the road has one switch to control both turn signals, Harleys have to have two. I guess they haven't got around to upgrading to three position switches yet.:confused2:
  20. Hatter

    This tip came from a neighborhood watch coordinator

    I take it that the police never made it?