This tip came from a neighborhood watch coordinator

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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Near New Orleans
While this tip would be most effective for those who don't park their car in garage, it still could be effective for cars parked in garage, as alarm would still be heard in driveway, although it would not be as loud.

Put your car keys beside your bed at night.

Tell your spouse, your children, your neighbors, your parents, your Dr's office, the check-out girl at the market, everyone you run across. Put your car keys beside your bed at night.

If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button for your car.The alarm will be set off, and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car battery dies.

This tip came from a neighborhood watch coordinator. Next time you come home for the night and you start to put your keys away, think of this: It's a security alarm system that you probably already have and requires no installation. Test it. It will go off from most everywhere inside your house and will keep honking until your battery runs down or until you reset it with the button on the key fob chain. It works if you park in your driveway or garage.

If your car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break into your house, odds are the burglar/rapist won't stick around. After a few seconds, all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there and sure enough the criminal won't want that. And remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm can work the same way there. This is something that should really be shared with everyone Maybe it could save a life or a sexual abuse crime.
Heard of this before Joe, it's a hell of a good idea! Plus, you might be able to get a bead on the ****** as he's running across the yard!! :2gunsfiring_v1:
Just what I was thinking DAN-0. The little lady made me lock the guns away yrs ago, but she didn't say anything about my flare gun loaded with a phosphorous flare kept in my night stand! I also have a fire extinguiser to put them out so they don't burn my house down.
Good tip Joe.
OK, I'll do this but if they don't respond to the sound and run, then I shoot them upon entry.... I know of several instances where this may have ended a confrontation better for the bad guy....:confused2:

It is a Great Idea...:biglaugh:
Ever hear of using wasp spray instead of deadly force? A long, solid stream & very irritating, better than commercial-grade pepper spray. In other words, the jerk who approaches your car in traffic because he 'wants to rumble,' once he touches the car, blast him w/the chemical, then have your 'backup' if he wants to press things further. Be aware that stuff is flammable! A muzzle blast may cause him to light-up like a roman candle, a toasted danish, or an english muffin...toasted.
Ever hear of using wasp spray instead of deadly force? A long, solid stream & very irritating, better than commercial-grade pepper spray. In other words, the jerk who approaches your car in traffic because he 'wants to rumble,' once he touches the car, blast him w/the chemical, then have your 'backup' if he wants to press things further. Be aware that stuff is flammable! A muzzle blast may cause him to light-up like a roman candle, a toasted danish, or an english muffin...toasted.

In this litigation happy society, wasp spray is a bad idea.
Ever hear of using wasp spray instead of deadly force? A long, solid stream & very irritating, better than commercial-grade pepper spray. In other words, the jerk who approaches your car in traffic because he 'wants to rumble,' once he touches the car, blast him w/the chemical, then have your 'backup' if he wants to press things further. Be aware that stuff is flammable! A muzzle blast may cause him to light-up like a roman candle, a toasted danish, or an english muffin...toasted.

Pepper spray can be highly flammable as well...there was an episode of mythbusters where they proved that using a certain kind of pepper spray on someone, then using a tazer can make them burst into flames.

No matter what you do, your ass will probably end up in court. If you don't kill the dirtbag, he'll sue you for pain and suffering as he was trying to steal your ****. If you kill him, his trailer trash parents will sue you for wrongful death and "lost income" to their family....i.e fencing stolen stuff. And they'll win.
About 6 years ago I had a neighbor's house alarm go off around 2am. I waited a few minutes thinking it would be turned off but when it didn't I went outside to check. I was the only one outside doing any investigating. I asked each of my neighbors the next time I saw them and asked if they'd heard our neighbor's alarm going off and they all did. I thought I knew all of my neighbors pretty well, but after that I knew that I couldn't count on them. I think this might work well in some areas, but in the Bay Area in California you are on your own.
About 6 years ago I had a neighbor's house alarm go off around 2am. I waited a few minutes thinking it would be turned off but when it didn't I went outside to check. I was the only one outside doing any investigating. I asked each of my neighbors the next time I saw them and asked if they'd heard our neighbor's alarm going off and they all did. I thought I knew all of my neighbors pretty well, but after that I knew that I couldn't count on them. I think this might work well in some areas, but in the Bay Area in California you are on your own.

I'm pretty sure you're on your own no matter where you are!

A little different set of circumstances but the same attitude up here in rural northern NY. We had a large dead ash tree come down a couple years ago, beautifu sunny afternoon, not a breath of wind....BOOM! Down it came! Shook the house and made a hell of a noise....sounded like a bomb went off!

We have one neighbor, a young couple in their late 20's, he was a big high school football star....never did much since (you know the type). Later that year, in the winter, I was over plowing out their driveway (for free, of course) and mentioned to the wife about the tree, she said, "Oh yes, we heard that! Chris (the worthless hubby) went down your road to see what it was. When he came back I asked him what happened, he said, I didn't see must be something over at Danny's!!"

The little son of a bitch couldn't be bothered to walk another 1/4 mile down the road to see if I was in trouble, like maybe dead under that tree, or worse, trapped and half dead???

Guess what....that was the end of the free plowing, generator baby-sitting, free back-hoe work for that little prick! :th_flipthebird:
Ever hear of using wasp spray instead of deadly force? A long, solid stream & very irritating, better than commercial-grade pepper spray. In other words, the jerk who approaches your car in traffic because he 'wants to rumble,' once he touches the car, blast him w/the chemical, then have your 'backup' if he wants to press things further. Be aware that stuff is flammable! A muzzle blast may cause him to light-up like a roman candle, a toasted danish, or an english muffin...toasted.

Possibly better than regular low strength pepper spray but way down the Scoville heat scale from Bear spray. Plus, the size of the Bear spray canister insures you will have enough to get the job done even when adrenaline has you so keyed up you miss the target initially. Think multiple attackers. Bear spray screams self defense, and if you call the cops first and chose your words carefully chances are that you will be golden. Of course if you are in closed quarters there is an advantage to pepper foam in that it won't be as problematic for you being incapacitated by the fumes.

I like to have both, in much the same way as my tool box has more than one wrench in it.
I'm pretty sure you're on your own no matter where you are!

A little different set of circumstances but the same attitude up here in rural northern NY. We had a large dead ash tree come down a couple years ago, beautifu sunny afternoon, not a breath of wind....BOOM! Down it came! Shook the house and made a hell of a noise....sounded like a bomb went off!

We have one neighbor, a young couple in their late 20's, he was a big high school football star....never did much since (you know the type). Later that year, in the winter, I was over plowing out their driveway (for free, of course) and mentioned to the wife about the tree, she said, "Oh yes, we heard that! Chris (the worthless hubby) went down your road to see what it was. When he came back I asked him what happened, he said, I didn't see must be something over at Danny's!!"

The little son of a bitch couldn't be bothered to walk another 1/4 mile down the road to see if I was in trouble, like maybe dead under that tree, or worse, trapped and half dead???

Guess what....that was the end of the free plowing, generator baby-sitting, free back-hoe work for that little prick! :th_flipthebird:
Did you hit him with the spray Danny?:ummm:
Good tip however in a townhouse community you have car alarms going off on a semi regular basis nearly every day. People simply stop paying attention to it.

The home two doors down had a home invasion about a month ago while the family was home and asleep. The scumbags came in through an unlocked sliding glass door (owners fault) and swiped a purse and the car keys off the kitchen counter. Came back later that night and stole the car from their driveway.

That put me on high alert with respect to things that go bump in the night.
The .45 now resides close at hand during sleeping hours.

I have no desire to kill another human being, however my resolve to protect my family should not be tested...
98Redlne; I have no desire to kill another human being said:
I was going to tell my neighbor about this, but I have to cool down a bit before approaching him...At 1:30 AM my wife woke me up and said someone just shot a gun 6 times in the yard. So I jump up and grab my 38 and go out the back door, never turning any lights on outside. I meant to shoot to kill if I ran across whoever it was shooting. I stayed outside about 20 minutes and never saw or heard anything. Next day I saw him in his yard and asked him if he heard the gun shots during the night ? He said it was him trying to kill an armadillo and missed with all six shots. I told him how stupid he was and I could have killed him had I run upon him with my gun. He is a dumb ass from the word go.........
I take it that the police never made it?

Never called them, we live in rural subdivision and our Sheriff's dept is too busy getting sex and getting part of the drug traffickings cookie........I know this because I had a scanner that picked up cell phone conversations and would listen to them late at night while at work. You never read about our law enforcement making an arrest during night time hrs.