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  1. Hatter


    Ok, so I was headed to work one morning last week, the bike was running great, so on my favorite stretch of deserted highway, I cranked it up to 132mph (GPS), being careful of redline. When I slowed up, my max started missing like hell. I haven't had a chance to pull them yet, but I am...
  2. Hatter

    Rate Obama's first year of ruling America...CBS poll

    Thats the only thing he has done that I sort of like! :ummm:
  3. Hatter

    funny anti HD site

    LOL, the last quote at the bottom of the main page is my Dad's! RD DEVIL Small world! :biglaugh: This is the best I have read so far: "Sport bikes are motorcycles which means that they have a suspension, two wheels, a transmission, a gas tank, an engine and basic controls to operate and...
  4. Hatter


    I have a Lowrance XOG. Its a little out-dated, but it works for me. It's small (3.5in screen) and waterproof. I have it on a custom (jury-rigged) mount that puts it centered over the handlebar bolts. It was $149.
  5. Hatter

    Goldwing forum suggestions
  6. Hatter

    '89 max $2500 in Arkansas - Craigslist find
  7. Hatter

    Bro in law scored huge

    Sweet! I am looking at '01 Intruder 1400 for my GF, myself. I found one with 6500 miles on it for $3000.:ummm:
  8. Hatter

    Swissauto Acquisition Strengthens Victory Brand

    WOW!! 500cc making 200HP! Damn!
  9. Hatter

    South Central Regional Schedule

    Krystal plans to ride with us this time, especailly if she gets the Raider she wants!
  10. Hatter

    South Central Regional Schedule

    All right!!! See you in june!!!!
  11. Hatter

    what do you do with your gear?

    Do they have lockers at your school? At the gym, maybe? I'd look for a faculty member that rides, maybe store your gear in their office, if possible.
  12. Hatter

    Looking for a pic

    Sorry, but no. The Max pic I want has a Max with the front fairing with windshield and hard bags off of, at best guess, a Harley Ultra Classic. It looked real trick with the saddlebag guards and back box and all. At first glance, it LOOKS like a Harley.
  13. Hatter

    Looking for a pic

    I am looking for a pic that was posted here not too long ago, of a Max that had Harley bags and fairing. Does anyone know where that pic is? hat
  14. Hatter

    New $900 Honda

    :confused2: It depends on the State you're in. All States have different defintions of a Motor-driven Cycle. In some States 110cc is a Motorcycle, and can be allowed on Interstate Highways IF the bike can reach minimum highway speed; in others, they are Mopeds, and are NOT allowed on Interstate...
  15. Hatter

    VMAX vinyl

    Sorry, I should have been more clear. Can you match the COLOR Shift Red for the scoop inlay?
  16. Hatter

    VMAX vinyl

    Can you get any Vinyl that matches Shift Red flames like is on my '07 ?
  17. Hatter

    What it is all?

    80mph? Why stop there. Even if you ran off the road, there's nothing to hit in IOWA! LOL
  18. Hatter

    Here's one for Cop Runner

    I knew a guy in Jersey that had something similar on his sport bike, but his was spring loaded. He had the the release ion a cable pull up by the speedometer.
  19. Hatter

    Ford Explorer 1997 4.0 exhaust help

    Is there an oxygen sensor behind the cat? if so punching it out may make it use more gas.