funny anti HD site

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Wow...This guy is upset. I like his train of thought, but he really needs a mean dog to kick, or a big gun to light off once in a while. LOL.
OMG, my eyes are blurry from reading. That must be the dudes fulltime job, writing on that website. I do feel compelled to contact him though. I've got a bone to pick with him for associating HD riders with rottweillers. Rotties are loyal and protective dogs and should in no way be brought into HD riders stereotypes. Besides, they're more stereotypical to drugdealers.
Interesting site and I can agree on many of his rants, however he seems to have a real beef about performance which he refers to all the time.
Surely there's more to a bike and therefore it's maker than judging it by how fast it goes.
Not that I disagree with his statements, but to dedicate a website to it? He's got way too much time on his hands! Some of his rants are funny, but he's gonna piss off the wrong person and they are gonna show up at his doorstep for a little "talk".
I got no beef with Harley's......I still intend to have one one some day.......

But I do not understand their latest TV commercial.....

They show folks starting their bikes......and parts of the bikes.....the pipes, the spoked front wheel and the horn cover.....shaking.....not just a little vibration but actually rattling around......

Doesn't make me say"OOOH, I GOTTA HAVE ONE'a'DOES!!!!"
I got no beef with Harley's......I still intend to have one one some day.......

But I do not understand their latest TV commercial.....

They show folks starting their bikes......and parts of the bikes.....the pipes, the spoked front wheel and the horn cover.....shaking.....not just a little vibration but actually rattling around......

Doesn't make me say"OOOH, I GOTTA HAVE ONE'a'DOES!!!!"

haven't seen it, got a link?
I've been a fan of Black Echo for a long time. Chris is a pretty cool guy, but he definitely has a major hard on for Harley(tm). You gotta admit, though - some of the people who try to slam him on the site are REALLY brain damaged!

Somewhere - I have "THE RANT" on a T-Shirt. I'll have to wear it to Thunder this year.....
LOL, the last quote at the bottom of the main page is my Dad's! RD DEVIL Small world! :biglaugh:

This is the best I have read so far:
"Sport bikes are motorcycles which means that they have a suspension, two wheels, a transmission, a gas tank, an engine and basic controls to operate and steer it. One of those controls is called a ?throttle? and it regulates how much gas and air get to the engine thereby determining how fast and how quick we go. You may not be familiar with the technology behind this ?throttle? device as the same device on a Harley is more akin to a volume control knob than to actually producing power or speed. Harley engines are tuned for sound, they don?t have throttles; they have volume control knobs. On a sport bike, the throttle controls the speed of the bike, on a Harley, the rubber grip that you roll back determines for how many city blocks around you that the windows rattle and the easily impressed sheep look up and gawk at you as you roar by at slow speeds."
Here was my favorite....

I'd say shaft drive but we all know that the only thing at a Harley dealership that is shaft driven is the customer.


Otherwise, that guy has waaaaaay too much time on his hands. I can understand an article or two ranting, but he writes pages in response to every single line of hate mail. Really? What a nerd. Go out and ride. He's got a few funny lines, but overall I think he's an elitist *******.

Also, I find it kinda funny how he acts like if it's not a crotch rocket, it's not a "real" motorcycle, since "real" motorcycles put performance first,. If you dig around his entire site, he frequently makes jokes about "if your bike isn't driven by a chain" and "if your bike weighs over 500 pounds" and "if your seat is comfortable". He claims to love import bikes, but apparently only Honda CBR600's, everything else is either imitating a Harley, or a joke. He bashes on the Valkyrie by saying "you've got six cylinders,six carburetors and still can't run in the twelves....". I'd like to see him tell Daniel Meyer ( that he's not a "real" rider because he doesn't ride a sportbike. Never mind hundreds of thousands of miles experience and seeing virtually the entire country from the saddle of his Valk, he's just a "poseur" riding some big "Winnebago" of a bike.

He rides a 600 cc CBR. That's not that fast of a bike. Sure, you've got all the Harley's beat, but then again that isn't saying a whole lot. He also claims it has a top speed of "in excess of 165mph" ...I'd like to see that. Maybe with the back tire in the air. I know several people who ride 600 class sportbikes, and the very best any have ever got was a tick over 140 on an R6. In fact, you're a "poseur"(notice that weird spelling of it) if you ride a HD, anything V-twin, any sort of standard or cruiser, drive a Ford, drive a Honda, Nissan, or other "econobox", or have ever taken a breath on the same planet he inhabits.

He's also a bit of a hypocrite.....he bashes HD riders for spending tons of money to "buy in" to being a biker, but then talks about the "morons" who buy cheap oil and anything but the very best riding gear, helmets, ect. IMO people like that are almost as bad as the ******** on HD's...the "holier-than-thou" guy who's actually a pretty good rider, but feels the need to elevate himself above "ordinary" riders by buying $800 helmets and talking down to anyone who doesn't share his exact opinions. Apparently you do need a lot of money to be a "real" biker, you just have to spend it on $15/quart synthetic oils, thousand dollar leather riding suits, and only the best race compound tires. guessed it....poseur. Never mind all the "knuckle draggin" rednecks who can't afford shiny new sportbikes, and instead buy a 20 year old used bike with a modest engine, buy some entry level gear, and get out and ride. The person who does that is way higher in my book than some elitist ass who thinks he's the best thing to ever grace the seat of a motorcycle.
buy some entry level gear, and get out and ride. The person who does that is way higher in my book than some elitist ass who thinks he's the best thing to ever grace the seat of a motorcycle.


From the time I was 16, riding a $300 used Honda with flat bars, to today, this has remained true. Get out in the wind. Everything else is ****.
I like all motorcycles, but love my MAX. This guy likes to live on the dangerous side of life and is obsessed with Harley bashing. I meet good people on the rode all the time. They ride all kinds of bikes! Ran out of gas once(before I figures out the reserve and got a ride on the back of an old home built chopper (did kiss the ground when I got off Guy wanted to bring me back to my bike too, but didn't want to hold him up and walked back. To each his own.
I do know this site
I put a joke ( ya-- about hardly's) on it years ago and its still up there.

" What is the most common accessory for a Harley???"

( you'llhave to go to the joke section to get the answer)
