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  1. Hatter

    Better than cobra?s

    UFO's are great, if you don't have to listen to them. After being behind Headknocker for a while last summer, I was getting a headache, until I had a chance to get around him. Just make sure you are jetted right.
  2. Hatter


    I know if Tim gets his asking price, he could come to Arkansas, buy a bigger house, and 100 acres of land, and still have cash left over! OF course the downside is he'd be in Arkansas... :ummm:
  3. Hatter

    New addition

    I bet that Beth put her foot down on that. :rofl_200: Congrats!
  4. Hatter

    Final Track Testing of the Re-Flashed ECU

    I would be interested in how much the reflash increases fuel mileage.
  5. Hatter

    U. F. O.

    Damn! Those WikiLeaks fuckers are everywhere!
  6. Hatter

    Shiny Metal, Unidentified Flying Object From My Stator

    Don't worry about it. If it fell out, you didn't need it anyway. :biglaugh:
  7. Hatter

    high rollers club?

    2007 23,000 miles/ 7666 per year. ALL MINE. Stock, never opened.
  8. Hatter

    2011 Eureka Springs rally info

    It always IS a blast. Even with having to cut my ride short last year, It was a GREAT time. I think we had 35 bikes last year, good weather, nice roads, and NO COPS! LOL
  9. Hatter

    New Top Gear

    I haven't got to see Top Gear America yet, But I love Top Gear UK. Those guys have fun. I'd love to have their job! Hammond is my favorite host there. He is the best high speed driver of the three.
  10. Hatter

    Look what I found

    Nice. Four Cylinder, or twin? I love that HUGE rear rack. She ought be able to carry a suitcase on it!
  11. Hatter

    Does anyone know this guy?

    Somewhere on the side of that truck close to the logo should be the city and/or state he is out of.
  12. Hatter

    2011 Eureka Springs rally info

    Yep. Putting some Metzler 880's on, come spring. Probably have to put some on hers, too. We are planning to make a week of it, weather provided. We are riding to Dallas/ Ft Worth on Friday June 10 and stay the weekend with family and friends, then up to Stillwater, Ok to see friends of hers...
  13. Hatter

    Magic Vmax

    Just keep buy parts off of Kyle. Soon it will run, and Kyle will be rich! :biglaugh:
  14. Hatter

    Bridgestone G526 problem?

    With Shinkos, you take it pegs. It will hold.
  15. Hatter

    Put yourself on the map...

    Ok, I am pretty much computer-challenged with matters like this, but can the map 'program' be bought and put on another server? Or a different map program?
  16. Hatter

    2011 Eureka Springs rally info

    Krystal and I are taking off all week off to ride up there! We're going to take the long way around, if the weather's right!
  17. Hatter

    Bridgestone G526 problem?

    I freely admit that I am a Fat Ass. 300+lbs. I have no problem holding it down on the road. :biglaugh:
  18. Hatter

    Bridgestone G526 problem?

    I run stock suspension, and I have NO PROBLEM running hard through the curves. Now I am sure it could be a lot better if I threw some money at it, but you can ask anyone that was at the June VMOA rally in Arkansas, if I had any problems keeping up in the corners with stock suspension, and a bald...
  19. Hatter

    Right Scoop Key Protection

  20. Hatter

    Bridgestone G526 problem?

    Mine came with factory Dunlops. I am glad, cause I never have much liked bridgestones.