Well-Known Member
As anyone can see from all my previous posts I was having alot of issues getting my bike to start. It wouldn't fire up to the point my starter quit cranking from trying so much. Well I saw the "How to rebuild your starter" thread here on the forum. And in the mean time I had Sean send me his electrical exchange package to find out what was wrong. Well I had an issue with a seal on my transfer case after I completely torn down and reassembled the MadMax swingarm. Well after reading the thread I took my starter apart and bent the tabs, cleaned it and took a dremel tool to the case and reassembled it and put it back on the bike and just wanted to see if the starter would crank once back on the bike, so I hit the start button and heard click, click Again, ****!! So I check my terminal and damn if I didn't forget to put the frickin wire on, ok I put it on and tried again just to see if it would crank again so I could then start replacing the parts Sean sent. So I hit the start button again and VRooom the frickin thing fires up!!! I almost ****! So i hit the kill switch because I have just a little water and a little oil so today I put the whole swingarm, transfer case and everything else and now it's starting better and faster than it ever did. WTF.. So anyway I guess I'll be shipping your parts back Sean do i owe you anything for your time and effort on this apparent Magic Vmax? Ed