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  1. acammer

    Interesting development

    "Yes, of course office, I have a hands free unit..."
  2. acammer

    Interesting development

    That's interesting... back feeding the circuit? I think you just qualified the Vmax as a hybred... do we get a tax-break now?
  3. acammer

    Just RAPED me an M109R

    You know, I don't have too much Vmax pride to say that I think the 109R is a very cool bike. Last fall when I began actively seeking out what bike would be next (after a 1yr hiatus) I had pretty much narrowed my selection down to the V-rod, the V-max, and the 109R. All of those bikes were...
  4. acammer

    Best Mod?

    Shift light. Cheap, easy, and a big return in the joys of wringing out the max. Now that I have it, I dunno what I ever did without it - besides tag the limiter on the Dyna3000, which is another good mod, for the safety of the limiter alone. I guess the handling is a toss up, if you just came...
  5. acammer

    New V-Max owner

    Better not be more than once!
  6. acammer

    H-D death wobble

    One of the first things I do on any unfamiliar bike I toss a leg over is do a couple medium speed throttle chops with my finger tips just grazing the bars, to see if there is a predisposition for wobble. Every bike is different, but it seems most will give you at least a wiggle under the right...
  7. acammer

    H-D death wobble

    Sounds like operator error. Would it surprise anyone? All a wobble ever needs a good shot of throttle and it'll settle right down. Then get the neck adjusted up to were it should be.
  8. acammer

    Price to clean and sync carbs???

    +1. $20 to build your own carb sync tool, and $10 for a can of seafoam spray, and an hour or two of your time. Research the peashooter and shotgun carb cleaning methods on here. Start with the peashooter and a carb sync, and if you've still got some issues, you can go a little deeper with the...
  9. acammer

    New V-Max owner

    Welcome. +1 on the shift light. My first mods were an aftermarket ignition and a shift light. Now I can confidently wring out the max without hurting anything with a missed or late shift. Enjoy the bike.
  10. acammer

    Power to Weight ratio questions.

    The original question was would a lighter bike with an equal power to weight ratio have an advantage off the line. The elise camaro example shows this not to be the case, we have two cars with a very similar power to weight ratio that are essentially even off the line, and further demonstrates...
  11. acammer

    Power to Weight ratio questions.

    ... in a vacuum. If the bikes accelerated uniformly off the line, as drag increased the more powerful but heavier bike would start to show an advantage. This advantage would continue to grow as speeds increased, as drag builds up exponentially. Consider this example: 2005 Lotus Elise...
  12. acammer

    the good guy wins one

    I think most of us wouldn't hesitate to pursue somebody in that situation. Props to John Roxey for doing what we all dream of doing when we hear about these situations. Hope the biker makes out ok. Driver better be hoping too, unless he wants to attach a manslaughter plea to his tab.
  13. acammer

    Time to stomp his ass

    The charge should be attempted manslaugher, he's already copped to doing it on purpose. If I witnessed something like that, things would get ugly, fast.
  14. acammer

    Vmax value - your opinion counts!

    Check close for damage, and then hit him with a lower number. I would think if you could get that for $2,500 you'd be sitting real pretty. $3k might not be bad, if the fender is the only real issues - won't know that until you get into it a bit more.
  15. acammer

    Well I guess there's a first time for everything.

    Every morning there is a stretch where the freeway starts that usually is traffic free, coming off a cloverleaf on ramp where I usually run it WOT till the shift light comes on at the top of 4th, then I let her back down to normal cruise speed. Gotta use it every now and then. Glad you made...
  16. acammer

    Looking to "sync-up" with another member in the upstate NY region

    Chris had mentioned something about that in a PM - do you have a link to more information, I might be interested in checking it out.
  17. acammer

    Looking to "sync-up" with another member in the upstate NY region

    Well, I decided from even more reading, that I'll probably be sync'ing the max a few times a year, so I might as well own a tool of my own. So, I built one. Four feet of 3/8" id for the measurement section, and a quartet of universal fit barb connectors from the local auto-parts store to...
  18. acammer

    Found myself a touring bike...

    I don't know that anything will save that...
  19. acammer

    Beauty and da Beast

    Lol @ hit from red tees. Worst part is, I'd still suck.
  20. acammer

    Classified section being closed

    Sounds like a positive change to me, that section was really clunky to use. Just give a good stickey with the guidelines for adds, and it will be fine, and a lot easier to use.