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  1. acammer

    Decided to keep my Supertrapps...

    Talk about the differences you noted in your Cobras vs. Trapps exchange, would be valuable information for somebody considering either system.
  2. acammer

    Decided to keep my Supertrapps...

    +1, good call there, stock is just too stealth!
  3. acammer

    Unique/one-off vehicles

  4. acammer

    Vmax Touring

    We could figure something out some time...
  5. acammer

    Heads up on potential Dyantek Dyna3000 ('90-'07) availability issue

    Wow, I held 10-15 minutes, as well Sean and parts depot both with 15+ minutes of holding. Good to know its just ridiculously terrible service, them ignoring Sean over a week as well as there other vendors, and not that they are actually having any "real" problems. Good confirmation Jeff.
  6. acammer

    Heads up on potential Dyantek Dyna3000 ('90-'07) availability issue

    I can only report on what I know and have learned, so there very well may be more to the following than I am aware of, but from what I've found over the last couple of days, the Dyna3000 may become a hard to obtain item, at least in the near future, if not more permanently. I ordered a...
  7. acammer

    For those in search of a beautiful low miles max...

    It was on the good side of fair for sure, not a steal, but solid. I figure with those kind of miles, a backrest, wind-screen and highway pegs, its was something that got some regular action, which I'd take over it having 5k miles and having sat the last 4 years or something. It for darn sure...
  8. acammer

    For those in search of a beautiful low miles max...

    I would think. I'm not really sure what something like that is worth, I would think $6,500 would be pretty reasonable to the right person. My '02 is in very good condition, but has 19k on it - so I took it for $3500, I'm pretty pleased with that.
  9. acammer

    For those in search of a beautiful low miles max...

    ... I give you a 2005 Anniversary with 900 miles on it: Looks to be pristene, and just about new. If somebody non-local is seriously interested, I'd be happy to inspect the bike first hand. Good think I didn't see that when I was shopping, I...
  10. acammer

    Backrest/Luggage rack on ebay

    Yea, I'm considering that for sure, if they haven't bought something else...
  11. acammer

    Backrest/Luggage rack on ebay

    I just had mine on E-bay, the auction closed at $400, plus $25 shipping. Unfortunately my buyer has turned into a deadbeat, isn't paying, and isn't responding to a non-payment claim, so it looks like I'm getting the shaft there. Who knows, maybe they will still come through, but the...
  12. acammer

    92 max for $3300

    Tail section looks pretty cool. That's a LOT of miles though... Bit overpriced I'd say, mods or not.
  13. acammer

    Pre load

    When I picked mine up, the fork was ultra low, I checked the air, there wasn't more than 1-2lbs in there. I have them at 10psi now and everything feels much better. Much easier to bring up onto the center stand now too!
  14. acammer

    Mythbusters: OE Rev limiter and overrev dangers

    It's a bit of trickery on their part, not a fair representation. It will limit the bikes ability to rev, but not to the point where it would matter unloaded. Under load, it may be enough to get your attention, but I will bet it would still pull right past redline in first, even with vBoost closed.
  15. acammer

    Mythbusters: OE Rev limiter and overrev dangers

    The Sasy is not a rev limiter, it just closes the vBoost at the determined rpm. Their manual even states that it only reduces power, it does not stop the engine reving. So, in short, its not going to help save you at all on an unloaded rev such as a missed shift. So, the Dyna is the way to go...
  16. acammer

    Mythbusters: OE Rev limiter and overrev dangers

    I'm with Sean on this one, from what I understand the sassy just controls V-boost, not the ignition. And while closing V-boost at 9500rpm would probably slow down over-rev, it definitely wouldn't stop it. And I'm very interested in making sure I have over-rev protection in unloaded situations...
  17. acammer

    Efffff You Mother Nature!

    Yea, I did my summer/snow switch on Saturday, and now I'm looking out the window at my 30 mile trek home in 75 minutes. * *Facepalm* * 4gasem - you drive the G8 year round? That's on my short list for a next car, if I can find one reasonably priced. I like my/ my wife's supercharged '06 GT...
  18. acammer

    Efffff You Mother Nature!

    +1, its coming down now in NY, I was riding with just a tee-shirt last Thursday. Ugh!
  19. acammer

    Mythbusters: OE Rev limiter and overrev dangers

    They used to sell them, but then they became discontinued...