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  1. richwrench

    Back to Texas

    Sorry Kyle - we're all thinking of you...
  2. richwrench

    Family shooting outing today...

    Great way to spend the day ! G - most of the gun ranges in our area rent handguns. My wife & I want to go to the newest one in Pinellas Park , Knights, I believe it's named. Give me a shout when you're ready to go & we'll go with ya.
  3. richwrench


    LOL - That gator was the back-up for my new pitbull. I'll have to find another one...:biglaugh:
  4. richwrench

    Holiday weekend wackiness

    Tons of drinking going on here this weekend - MY DAUGHTER IS GETTING MARRIED !!!:band::banana::thumbs up::th_image003::th_image003::th_image003: The wife & I hired a van to shuttle people back & forth from the country club to the motel. Nothing could ruin a great wedding like a DUI or an...
  5. richwrench

    Military Suplus Ammo..

    Believe it or not, the local Walmarts are getting their inventory back to normal around here. I'm buying Remington core-loct 150 & 180 gn 30.06 for 17.99 a box. They also have Winchester jsp 150 or 180 for the same price. We've been pretty dry for well over a year now.
  6. richwrench

    Polaris Caretaker pool cleaning system malfunction

    I'm running a different system (Hayward) , but I had a weird flow problem last week as well. I was sure I had a plumbing/valve issue, but my neighbor came over & found that the pump impeller was plugged full of debris. Cleaned it out & I'm back in business. It's a long shot, but I would check...
  7. richwrench

    decent touring tool..

    Has anybody bought a spanner wrench just for the rear shocks ? I'm sure a universal will work, but I'd like a small one just to keep on the bike...
  8. richwrench

    Are you a new member? Come here and say hi!

    Great to see you here Grumpy - I still want to go shooting with you up at Hernando. I bought a Marlin XL7 30.06 to replace my broken Enfield. Kicks like a freakin mule.:biglaugh:
  9. richwrench

    The donate me a Vmax thread.

    I'll give you my old spark plug cables. Guaranteed to carry a spark or double your money back.:biglaugh:
  10. richwrench

    1100 Shadow help?

    +1 to Shadow carbs being a bitch to r&r. I don't know what year yours is, but here is where I bought my carb kits. Kit comes with needles & seats & gaskets. Make sure all circuits are cleaned out & I bet you'll be fine. - rich
  11. richwrench

    Central Florida Tech Day Pictures!

    Great Pics !!! And Kyle, great Tech Day !!! The best yet IMHO. It's pretty awesome to see so many guys on VMAX's trading ideas, parts & whatnot. Even Angie (Uncle P's wife) was getting her hands dirty.Lots of new guys there this year as well as all the "regulars" that we've met before...
  12. richwrench

    1100 Shadow help?

    First of all, sorry about your Brother. As far as the bike, my last one was an '86 Shadow 700. I played around with the jetting several times before it was right. If it's flooding out that bad, I would start by checking/replacing the float needle. It's hard to know what may have been done to...
  13. richwrench

    The donate me a Vmax thread.

    You need to post a shipping address. ;)
  14. richwrench

    Bass Tournament

    HA !!! Me & my neighbor kicked AZZ !!!!!:punk: He got the trophy for the biggest non-district bass. My canoe had the biggest total weight of the tourney - even though that didn't count, it's still braggin' rights. Another guy that I hog hunt with got the trophy for the biggest district bass...
  15. richwrench

    85 fires up after 21 years!

    Damn Dude - throw some Shinkos at that bad boy...:biglaugh:
  16. richwrench

    Central florida Tech day

    Hey Kyle, Ford = First On Race Day... :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
  17. richwrench

    Bass Tournament

    Wish me luck - I'm in a bass tourney tomorrow am. My neighbor & I in my canoe vs lots of rich guys in their million dollar bass boats. It's in Lake Tarpon - one of the top 10 bass lakes in FL. No huge prize at stake - a plaque & braggin' rights. It's mostly a fundraiser for cancer, but I'm still...
  18. richwrench

    seat flip won't stay down

    Fixed mine - when the clip went missing the linkage fell apart & only 1 latch was seating. Re-assembled & all is well now. +1 on keeping stuff clean & lubed as well.
  19. richwrench


    Mine's simple : worcestershire, liquid smoke, salt & pepper. Funny you posted this, I have 3 venison backstraps left I was just thinking about doing.