1100 Shadow help?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
Mayflower, Ar
My brother dropped his Shadow off to be jetted. He died on another bike a few weeks later.
I have no Idea what was done to the bike, but I picked it up and it runs like ****.
It was dumping gas out of the rear cylinder exhaust, and the front was WAY rich. The plugs were fouled and all of the hoses were routed wrong.

Here's where I stand.
I jetted it down to 160 dynojets. Fixed the hoses. and cleaned the plugs. I also set the float levels to where they were supposed to be.
The plugs are firing and it's getting gas. The front cyl is perfect.
Problem is, the rear is dumping raw gas into the exhaust pipe (strait shots) and doesn't seem to be running. (no real heat, and the plugs just wet foul). I can't seem to get the damn rear cylinder to hit.

Any Idea where I need to look? Stuck valve? weak spark? sticking CV slide?
Any knowledge of these old Honda's would be appreciated. It's still my brother's bike. He put 120,000+ miles on this thing and I can't just let it sit.
First of all, sorry about your Brother.

As far as the bike, my last one was an '86 Shadow 700. I played around with the jetting several times before it was right. If it's flooding out that bad, I would start by checking/replacing the float needle. It's hard to know what may have been done to it. Just have to take your time - maybe swap some parts around & look for changes. Good luck & keep us posted. - rich
No one needs to be sorry for my little brother. He's out there somewhere showing Indian Larry how to ride, and passed the way he wanted to.:punk:

I'm just tired of taking the carbs out. (serious PITA) and was looking for a little direction. Thanks for that, and I'll yank 'em out again for a look at the float needles.

This ape hanger contraption needs to run until I can pay Sean for a new transmission. Anymore places to look would be helpful while I have it apart. I hate taking the carbs out of this thing and nothing is easy to get to.
+1 to Shadow carbs being a bitch to r&r. I don't know what year yours is, but here is where I bought my carb kits. http://www.crc2onlinecatalog.com/
Kit comes with needles & seats & gaskets. Make sure all circuits are cleaned out & I bet you'll be fine. - rich