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  1. richwrench

    Awards request ( Plural) for CaptainKyle -- Awards given --

    Re: Awards request ( Plural) for CaptainKyle +1 - Kyle is the MAN ! :punk:
  2. richwrench

    Michigan deer hunting....

    Good luck ! Deer season opened yesterday (Sat) here & as luck would have it, I got invited this past Thursday to go hog hunting. Of course, being that deer season was 48 hours away, guess what walked out right in front of me at about 40 yards? You guessed it, a MONSTER 8 point - just like...
  3. richwrench

    Florida Dyno Tech day

    Either day is the same for me - what ever works out best for you I'll try to make it.
  4. richwrench

    Florida Dyno Tech day

    What day ? I'm a stocker, but it would be cool to see what my bike puts out. I'll frame it & hang it in my garage. It's hunting season now, but I'd be willing to help out for a day. Iv'e been wrenching for years, but the only dyno I've ever seen "live" is when we used to use them for emission...
  5. richwrench

    *^%$&*((^$!!!!!--gas cap..!!

    +1 - Also push down hard on the cap when turning the key. I don't know why they made such a secure fuel cap. The average fuel thief would never find the gas cap to begin with & if they did they would only get 3 gallons for their efforts... :rofl_200:
  6. richwrench

    My annual Party

    Damn that sounds good ! I'll be out in the woods, but I'll be thinking of you guys.
  7. richwrench

    Complaining about carbs

    Kyle - I'm hunting tomorrow through Saturday, but I'll be home Sunday if you still need an extra hand with the exhaust. I'm only 8 or 10 miles away - let me know...
  8. richwrench

    Complaining about carbs

    Post up a pic of your 6 port manometer you'll need to sync those bad boys. :rofl_200:
  9. richwrench

    this little basterd was teasing my dog.

    Armadillo's better - tastes like pork. :punk:
  10. richwrench

    My steal of the day

    Be careful, those things were neck-breakers. But what the hell, we ride VMAX's anyway, what's the difference ? :rofl_200:
  11. richwrench

    My steal of the day

    You sure the serial number's not ground off ? :biglaugh: good find...
  12. richwrench

    It's snowing........

    I'm running the "3 carb mod" myself. That plus the cow magnets on the fuel lines & I'm getting 55 mpg on every tank... :eusa_dance:
  13. richwrench

    Plugging a tire

    I plug tires on my fleet every day & I've never had an issue, BUT I don't have to worry about a Dodge B350 sliding out from under me & bouncing my ass across the pavement. If it was my tire, I'd replace it.
  14. richwrench

    Company Logo

    I didn't realize you quit the dealership. I don't blame you one bit - flat-rape gets old real quick. I found happiness wrenching for a fleet instead. Too bad there's no motorcycle fleets around here - you'd be a perfect Lead Tech ! :punk: BTW - I noticed the grey hair on the chimp & I...
  15. richwrench

    I put the bike on CL

    Wow - that's how I ride, but I always thought I was an un-sociable dick. I guess I'm not so nuts after all. :punk:
  16. richwrench

    Fuel in a/f mixture hole

    Here's the size & part# from ORING-4632 3.0mm x 1.0mm I bought mine there, but Sean may be able to make you a better deal. I paid 8 dollars for 4 of those microscopic o-rings... :ummm:
  17. richwrench

    Company Logo

    Great job Kyle ! Hope you make a million. :punk:
  18. richwrench

    Leather Gen II Vmax anyone?

    I love leather, but I don't know about that... :ummm:
  19. richwrench

    " Fuel Light Came On But Bike Never Died "

    I think the spikes are causing air turbulence, which in turn causes low pressure & you are acually getting sucked down the road by your own atmospheric pressure change. Good job. :biglaugh: Maybe I should spike the bejesus out of my F150 & see if it works on trucks too...
  20. richwrench

    emission laws GOING GREEN

    We used to have emission testing in some counties here in Florida back in the 80's & early 90's. It was a total joke. I could make anything pass a sniffer test simply by leaning out the mixture screws & turning the idle speed up high. When everything went fuel injected & OBDII came into play in...