emission laws GOING GREEN

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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
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south carolina
OK,I was in the magazine store the other day and almost all the hot rod mags had stuff about new laws being pushed for tighter emission laws on older cars.There was alot of info on how to get involved with hot rodding laws. Then i look on at the motorcycle mags and nothing mentioned of it.I am from south carolina and at present there is no sniff stations here but al this talk worrys me .I am sure my bike would not pass a sniff test if it was started here.Is thetre anyone here that deals with sniff test/inspections? :bang head:
:rofl_200:I don't know of too many bikes that have been off the showroom floor more than a week that'll meet test standards. Sept in Kali, maybe..
Someone from CA would prob be able to fill you in. There are three counties around St. Louis that have this. Glad I don't have to worry about it.

This green thing is ok for some things, but gets unrealistic and impractical in other areas. Like, wind farms are very tax payer costly. With the alcohol we burn, it makes ozone. The problem is that it is made at the ground level, not in the atmosphere. Not a healthy thing for living things on the planet. And we don't save any standard oil by making alcohol. Also, burns faster, less mileage. We burn food while people starve around the planet. Has to make sense to someone.:confused2:
We used to have emission testing in some counties here in Florida back in the 80's & early 90's. It was a total joke. I could make anything pass a sniffer test simply by leaning out the mixture screws & turning the idle speed up high. When everything went fuel injected & OBDII came into play in '96, emission sniffers were basically made obsolete, but the State still continued to mandate the testing for a few more years - easy money for them. OBDII is much more accurate than the tailpipe tester & any problem the vehicle had passing it's own emission test would turn on it's check engine light. As long as a car came in with a working check engine light & that light wasn't on, you knew it was within the emission limits. The State finally dropped the redundant tailpipe testing because it was obviously not needed for any modern fuel injected vehicle. Bikes are such a small percentage of the total vehicle population that I don't think it would be worth it for the State to check motorcycles only - this is all about making money, NOT saving the planet. If they ever DID decide to test my bike, I'll lean out the pilot screws, crank up the idle & pass their stupid money grabbing test.
I've never heard of sniffer tests around here...all done by the car's self-diagnostics.

More ways the government is trying to fund it's ****** spending habits...make someone else foot the bill. Nickle-and-dime everyone to death by putting small fees, taxes, and ******** on every aspect of life. Force people to keep buying new cars, and buy them often. Saving isn't in the government's interest, they want everyone to buy buy buy and spend spend spend, then bitch and moan about the economy they created.

The whole "green" thing is such a load of BS to me. In a global, or even cosmic scale the human race is little more than a trifling detail. Nothing we do is going to destroy the planet. The climate is changing? So what....science has demonstrated our planet goes through fairly predictable cycles of climate, and did long before humans and our "gas guzzlers" existed. But people are vain, and always need some cause to hold on to backed by a sense of artificial urgency. If they email instead of write a letter, they're helping save the planet. But the problem can't require too much effort, since people are also lazy. It's easy enough to say, re-use a water bottle, but I don't see people deciding to pick up trash on the highway(without a sheriff van nearby). They can go around and tell everyone how they're "doing their part" by changing a few utterly pointless details about their life.

Everyone was worried that we were killing too many trees in the 90's. Had to use recycled paper, cut down on paper usage, digitize everything. Save the forests, they'd be gone in a few years. Of course that was a load of crap, and pretty much blew over in a couple years when nobody had to start using plastic toilet paper. Now climate change is the big hot topic. Gotta "go green", drive small, burn corn. Same idea. Government and politician funded junk science backed up by taxpayer dollars and shoved down everyone's throat through the media.

One of my friend's moms drives a Prius, and while she's far from the worst ultra enviro-hippie I've encountered, I don't think it's possible for a hybrid owner to keep their trap shut about it. "Oh, I've saved xxxx tons of Co2 by switching cars, and reduced my carbon footprint(another buzzword that makes my blood boil), and I saved $100 last month on fuel". I got 46mpg last fillup!
Wooo...46mpg. My Honda Magna 500, built 25 years ago, would return 50 pretty regularly. Current overseas market bikes, packing 125-250cc, with modern technology are returning hundreds of mpg.

Another one of those "change, as long as it's easy" things. Think of the "carbon footprint" savings if everyone rode a motorcycle? Even the brutal V8 muscle car equivalent, the Vmax, returns 40mpg, or better than probably 90% of the cars on the road. But riding a motorcycle is "too much" change. There's a modicum of risk and inconvenience involved, and all the trend lemmings want to help desperately, but not if it actually requires doing something. If they were going to buy a new car anyway, and the new car does everything their old one did, and is massively hyped as being cool and eco-friendly, they'll buy a Prius instead of an SUV. A modern 250 bike makes Prius mpg numbers look silly, but I don't see any Rebels or Ninja 250's parked at Whole Foods or those goofy gourmet-organic grocery stores. A helmet would mess up their hairdo (with products not tested on animals, of course), there's a chance their hemp clothes would get wet, and the road is a lot more scary when you can actually see it beneath you. No, they're not that committed to their cause, despite real facts heavily favoring motorcycles. It takes less resources to build. Initial cost is a small fraction. Cost to own is much less. But motorcycles lack the eco-friendly stigma and media hype, and are therefore out of the question.

"Going green"...bah...humbug. Long live V8's and carburetors.
Yeah, global warming is now climate change cause the earth is cooling off. Egore sure had people zoomed. He went from 2 mil to 100 mil, just flying around telling people the sky is falling. His old lady figured out it was time to get her half and run. He isn't going to get much more money unless cap and tax takes hold. Then whistle britches is figured to become a multi billionaire. Hope his old lady gets that included to get a cut off that in the D. Hound the tard, Tipper! He's a male ****.:biglaugh:
We have emission testing here in CO, especially in the Denver Metro area. have to run all cars thru it every 2 years. this has been in place for years but one thing has been consistent... motorcycles are exempt ;]
In Texas, only in "emissions attainment areas" like Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Dallas and El Paso metro areas, they run the OBDII check engine light test on cars that have OBDII, if not OBDII Equipped 1996 and older, it gets a sniffer test, called a "two speed idle test" tail pipe sniff only, no wheel rollers, or "acceleration simulation mode test" (has rollers like a dyno) , each county gets to choose what test they will run.

If it's older than OBDII systems, it's going to get a sniffer or roller test, and like someone said before, I've made several hot rods pass this by simply leaning them out, putting a hoot thermostat in place, and playing with the timing a little bit, setting the idle up also helps if it's a two speed idle test although if you bring one in idling at 1200 rpm they are probably going to balk since they aren't stupid..

If you know your going to fail just inquire around in the hot rod community and you can usually find a place that will pass you for an "added fee"

If you've got an older car it's going to be expected to pass whatever level of emmisions was in place at the time of mfgr. which usually means that quite simply it needs to have the visually detectable components it was originally equipped with........plus it's going to get sniffed. I've seen some really extreme hot rods/ street rods pass just fine around here by playing with the "settings"

There is also some stuff about vehicles older than 24 years but I can't make complete sense of it, but in essence it sounds like the requirements are minimized or eliminated.

If not in an emmssions atainment area they don't do ****, just normal inspection and slap a sticker on it. They should but most often do not look for the cats and or smog pumps, EGR etc to be in place.....All inspection is done by the private sector...

If it's a car it has to be inspected in the county registered to keep from circumventing the above rules, if it's a bike it can be inspected in any county.....Bikes are exempt in all counties
We've had sniffer testing here for a couple of years now...nothing says the sniffer probe has to go in YOUR vehicle...especially if the station owner is an old friend and knows your car wont pass an emissions test...

It's just about the state getting into your wallet AGAIN...:damn angry: