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  1. D

    The time has come.....

    Congrats on the gen 2 ! I'm completely ******* jealous. You'll have a blast on it Dan.
  2. D


    Thoughts and prayers to Dennis. It sucks hearing about a fellow biker going down. Hope for a speedy recovery for Dennis
  3. D

    vboost or no vboost

    Awesome! A must have for no vboost....
  4. D

    rode a 2010 WOW

    That's one of the main factors is a big garage... Even if its bigger than the
  5. D

    Buddies first bike

    Great for 1st bike...looks pretty tight
  6. D

    vboost or no vboost

    Stage 7, kerker 4/1 and no vboost. I love it and it pulls very hard. Very easy to sync with the Weber delorto sync tool
  7. D

    stupid people and bikes

    I can't stop laughing....dumb *****
  8. D

    rode a 2010 WOW

    I want one in the worst way...I'm in the middle of house hunting with the wife...just can't do it right now
  9. D

    rode a 2010 WOW

    Me too !
  10. D

    What the hell is that thing!!

    if you fart, will it disappear for a while ? :biglaugh:
  11. D

    Not so perfect vision

    I would grab it for cheap and mess around with it as time permits. it is pretty cool
  12. D

    The bike wave

    "If it ain't American, it IS ****" attitude....(thank you)
  13. D

    The bike wave

    I personally love all motorcycles (Harleys included). No hatred here. It's just fun to poke at the "if it aint' American, it aint' ****" attitude a little.
  14. D

    Way to go girlie!!

    Sorry to hear this Danny. On the brighter side it sounds like she tapped it over lightly and didn't cream the f'n thing. I'm just glad she didn't screw on ya and actually stuck around. At least you'll get all you're **** paid for.
  15. D

    Car and Driver 1964 road test

    ThE 64 Goat to many enthusiasts was considered the first "muscle" car. It is basically a mini Catalina which were beautiful cars themselves. Chevy also did the same thing with the impala in 67' and the Chevelle was the mini version. It's pretty cool how they offered SS packages for both. The...
  16. D

    Typical bikers

    That is a great story for sure. He will never forget that day.
  17. D

    1st Post - Barn Find 85 VMAX

    Great find Snipe ! I am friggin jealous as hell. Always wanted a barn find just like the one you found. Good luck with it and please post the process of restoration
  18. D

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    220 mile ride today. Perfect weather
  19. D

    The bike wave

    I love it when 8-10 Harleys go by in the opposite lane and the dudes riding all act tough but there girls on the back wave :biglaugh:.. I pretty much salute everybody. If they don't wave back I couldn't care less.