Well-Known Member
So Howard says lets go on the Lehighton Bike night and ride Saturday....sounds like a plan just had to button up my 94 with the new Slave new gasket etc and bleed line. Saturday I hear a bike coming down my road and actually said to the wife can't be Howard, the bike is not quiet enough.....she says it is red and slowing down.....curious I went out front and there she sits, a beautiful 2010 leftover with only 700 miles on her since last year. I never knew he had it. He asks if I want to ride it......you kidding me! Since it was new I did not want to get on it to hard and decided a few rollons in 4th and 5th gear were in order!!!! WOW! And I thought Tony Pace's 1500 when he had it was powerful.....I am amazed at this thing! My 94 felt like a small toy when I got back on it. The power, handling and brakes were incredible! Congrats on all those who own one!