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  1. T

    Is it just me, or...

    Received the first spam message ever from this forum in my inbox this morning. I see a lot has changed since my last visit, sorry to see Buster sold the site and that unsolicited spam became acceptable. For those wondering where I went, I am still alive and kicking just been living life and...
  2. T

    Well, It's Moving Day!!!!

    I think that is the right foot, if it were the opposite it would be leading with the left. Just saying...
  3. T

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Nada... But just ordered an air rifle so I can start shooting squirrels from the porch without bothering the neighbors. If I can't ride I have to find other ways to entertain myself :punk:
  4. T

    Upcoming surgery

    Really thought he had gotten the upper hand in his battle. May he rest in peace, thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
  5. T

    Oh what a tangled web we weave,

    Could always be waiting until Obama can't issue a pardon anymore.
  6. T

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Nothing, just walked past her in the garage wishing I was able to ride today. Waiting for the kickoff and hoping Alabama's winning streak comes to an end tonight.
  7. T

    Just A Regular Guy?????

    Think I read this one via email, but still enjoyed it the second time around.
  8. T

    What a stroke of luck!

    That is quite the stroke of luck, glad to hear she is back to her former self.
  9. T

    Sears Craftsman brand is sold!

    The craftsman name is practically worthless at this point but should be an even match quality wise with Stanley and Black and Decker products. I personally prefer Klein and Wiha tools, but my profession is IT so durable, shock resistant precision tools are the best for me.
  10. T

    wild home designs

    Would be nice, some truly awesome houses.
  11. T

    Carb sync procedure for Carbtune

    Perfect write-up. To anyone who may hesitate, this is a super simple task to complete DIY (so easy, I can do it)!
  12. T

    Harlan shift light -SOLD-

    Re: Harlan shift light If I had to guess, I think it is just to make it easier to toggle by thumb.
  13. T

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Sheesh, I just washed mine recently and now I think it looks filthy after seeing yours!
  14. T

    It's started

  15. T

    Laugh at this CL post

    Love it. Like countless nonsense craiglist ads out there all wrapped into one.
  16. T

    christmas ride

    lol, you're crazy. I would be too worried about keeping it upright. 70 and sunny here, but the kids have had me occupied since 0530.
  17. T

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! Weather warmed up a bit here and the office was shutdown for the rest of the year, this allowed me to run a full tank through the ol' Vmax.
  18. T

    Pornography block suggested on internet devices, SC

    Normally filtering of this nature is implemented through a proxy server or via DNS. Since you have admin/root access on a personal machine there is nothing to stop you from removing or disabling it.
  19. T

    Adding a pig tail for battery charger

    I thought the bolt holes for the seat were purely cosmetic. As for a trickle charger I have it running from the battery to the same area as the gas cap that way I can leave the seat on while having it on a charger in the garage.