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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
El Dorado, CA
Cycle-istiC will be closed the last 2 weeks of March. I am having surgery, and will be in the hospital for 7-10 days. It is a long procedure, and I will be under anesthesia for about 8 hours. Assuming I wake up afterwards, things will continue as normal, and Cycle-istiC will be back in business on April 1st. Any orders placed in the meantime through Paypal will be shipped at that time. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I don't really have a choice in the matter. Thanks for your patience and understanding.


Surgery was successful, I will be undergoing some chemo for a few months, but Cycle-istiC is back up for business as usual.
Almost halfway through my chemo regimen, should be finished in October. So far the only side effects have been a little nausea for a day or 2 after a treatment, and some extra hairs left in my comb after combing. I went and had it buzzed very short, but haven't seen any signs of more loss, so I guess I'll let it grow back out.
The hope is for a clean bill of health after it's all done. Fingers crossed.
So glad to hear the SE not to rough, besides men dont really need hair anyway!

My fingers are crossed for you too, hoping for that full recovery.
Well, it's finally here. My last (hopefully) chemo treatment is tomorrow morning, Oct 4th. Then they will wait 6 weeks and do a scan to see whether, no, I mean to CONFIRM THAT they got it all and it's not coming back. Meanwhile, I got a darn hernia while stacking hay about 4 weeks ago. They say I have to wait at least 2 weeks after the final chemo treatment for surgery to fix the hernia, so I'm thinking the last week of Oct or the first week of Nov. (Chemo in the system can prevent proper healing.) I've been wearing one of those hernia trusses with a pressure pad for a month now. When it rains it pours! But, hey, I'm still vertical! :clapping:
Hang in there. You'll be all fixed up for Christmas:eusa_dance:
I wanted to reach out and let everyone know that our dear friend Dobie Gillum passed away back in December. As we all know he has been fighting cancer and unfortunately it got the better of him.

Dobie was a great person to work with and he will be missed.

My he find peace in the afterlife and prevail!
Really thought he had gotten the upper hand in his battle. May he rest in peace, thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
MtnMax/Magniac said:
frank5079 said:
Hi Dobie,

I just wanted to let you know that I am still happy with the backrest and rack that I got from you last year. My only problem with the back rest is that one of the four screws worked loose and also there is a little surface rust developing on the backrest trim piece, despite my applying wax to it.


This is a copy of a PM he sent me after I had a small issue with the backrest I bought from him back in 2014...what a great guy...

RIP Dobie :(