Update for anyone interested: It was stage 2B adenocarcinoma, which means it attacks the lining around organs first, and we caught it very early, so they were able to get it before it actually moved inside the pancreas. There was a clear margin around the removed tumor, but the "B" means there were some lymph nodes involved, therefore the requirement for chemo. It will be a 6-month regimen, beginning May 3, one 30-minute session one day a week for 3 weeks, then the 4th week off, and repeat monthly, so it should be finished in October. They will monitor my blood cell count weekly, since a decrease in white cells would make me more susceptible to infection, colds, flu, etc. The main chemo ingredient is gemzar, which has few side effects, so I should be able to pretty much do everything normally throughout the chemo treatments. I'm hoping for a complete eradication of any remaining cancer cells by the end of the chemo regimen.