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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2007
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ever since i was a little boy my father always limped , "bad knees" , so finally in February we talked him into getting one new knee for starters . He has been getting bladder infections for years & the doctors just keep giving him antibiotics , that he's been on for years . He has had a greenish / grayish complexion for the last couple of years also , i said to him on several occasions that his color is not good , he Say's the doctors tell him its because he doesn't get much sun , i would say , neither do i , so in February they scoped his bladder & its full of cancer , so they operate , they said they could not get it all & its urethral cancer & the most lethal kind of cancer that their is ! So they start giving him radiation treatments , after a couple of weeks of this , he starts getting an open sore just below his stomach , my mother is taking care of & working full time , a visiting nurse comes twice a week , my mother says this sore doubles in size every couple of days , my mother said a couple of days ago that its now bigger than an apple & its on the outside of his body , she calls Friday night and says some of it fell off onto the floor while he was in the bathroom . So on Saturday me & some of his closest friends from the fire company go over to see him , when we walk it , theres the smell of death in the house , my mother said that this thing smelled , but i had no idea how bad , so we all hung out with him & look at pictures of past fire & competitions , & laughed a lot , it was great , then when everyone left , my mother wanted me to see this cancer hanging out of his body . She uncovered it & i couldn't believe my eye's & the smell now was unbearable ! I walked out of the room & then went back in to look at at again , i thought i was seeing things , its bigger than a flattened out apple & it looks like a black collie flower thats oozing fluids & blood , my mother says that when he stands up the thing bleeds all over the floor ! She has to clean it twice a day & the pain hes in is horrific ! The doctors have stopped all the treatments & said theres nothing more they can do . How is this man not in the hospital ? & how is this modern medicine ? He start hos pis sometime this week & his days are numbered ! What a way to go ! All we wanted was for him to get new knees so he could be as active as he used to be , now we will never get the chance . HE IS THE GUY IN " MY ALBUMS " LEANING ON MY STOCK CARS IN VICTORY LANE . THANK GOD FOR PICTURES ! PLEASE SAY A PRAYER FOR HIM !
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I'm praying for ya' both, don't know what else to say but, ???

It sucks being made to stand by helplessly like this.....

You need to get your Father to another Doctor for some second opinions tho' just to double check...even the best doctors can make mistakes, a second opinion should be the rule.....

Good luck and I'm very sorry to hear this......

actually there are 4 cancer doctors involved in this ! What ever type it is they say its the most lethal !
CR,...you have my sincerest sympathies in this matter. My father was diagnosed with a tumor in Nov,.. it was not removed cause it had attached it's self to the urethra tube,..they put in a bypass shunt for now and last week he had a port put in his chest for radiation treatments.
I meet with him and his doctors tomorrow to discuss treatment.
I've already accepted any decision he makes. It's his life and tho it will pain me to hear any thing but a good out come. If he chooses not to take the treatment in lue of quality of life, I will stand with him.
With his back ground and experience of past, I can only respect his wishes.
It's a humbling site to watch a strong man weakened.
My thoughts for you and your father won't be far.
my thoughts are with you man.. no one should have to deal w/that... you or more importantly your father
I feel for you Tim. After loosing my mom on 06 to cancer, I was wondering what and how these doctors think. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
CR,...you have my sincerest sympathies in this matter. My father was diagnosed with a tumor in Nov,.. it was not removed cause it had attached it's self to the urethra tube,..they put in a bypass shunt for now and last week he had a port put in his chest for radiation treatments.
I meet with him and his doctors tomorrow to discuss treatment.
I've already accepted any decision he makes. It's his life and tho it will pain me to hear any thing but a good out come. If he chooses not to take the treatment in lue of quality of life, I will stand with him.
With his back ground and experience of past, I can only respect his wishes.
It's a humbling site to watch a strong man weakened.
My thoughts for you and your father won't be far.
in "my albums" you can see a picture of my 3 dogs , i've lost the black one & the brown one to cancer !
Tim, My prayers are with you man. I hate stuff like this, it happens to those we love and we feel helpless. If myself or Barb can do anything for your family, please, please let us know.

Sorry about the dogs man, just lost my 14 year old lab last week.
I will say a prayer brother.

tim, my prayers are with you man. I hate stuff like this, it happens to those we love and we feel helpless. If myself or barb can do anything for your family, please, please let us know.

Sorry about the dogs man, just lost my 14 year old lab last week.
I will say a prayer brother.

thanks for your prayers ! My black dog didn't make 6 years & my brown dog didn't make 7 years !
My prayers will include you and your family. Cancer SUCKS and the medical "profession" can do little more than cut, burn, and poison.
I've lost two Gread Danes in the last 2 months:sad2::sad2: to cancer but my brother-in -law seems to be in remission.

"They" are practicing medicine. Your dad should never have had to go though the pain and suffering that he has. A case of poor diagnosis years ago.

My condloences.
Sorry to hear about this CR, you and your family are in my prayers.
Cancer really sucks, it's random and a slow killer. The Doctors have developed cures for some cancers, yet others are totally incurable. Someday they'll really figure it out using lots of cutting edge research. Help support it if you can.

Best wishes for your loved ones, our thoughts are with you all affected,


I cannot say enough how I feel for you. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

If you or anyone else here have any questions on radiation treatments for cancer please PM me with a phone number and I will call. While not a doctor or radiologist I have a degree in Health Physics which is essentially radiation protection and effects so I can explain the basics.
Prayers for you & your father Cop Runner. I lost my father to skin & eventually brain cancer in 91. Cancer sucks man!! My dads pain was so bad he asked me to remove the guns from his house. Good for you to get on the forum and talk about it with others. I didn't talk much to anyone for damn near 6 months. Prayers to the Man:worthy::worthy::worthy:
Sorry Brother
If you need anything at all, dont hesitate to ask. Prayers are always on, let us know if you need any brotherly support!!!
Hang in there bro - gonna get worse - been thru it - it sucks - stay strong - your family needs you now - were all praying for you

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