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  1. P

    05 on Copart.com

    Anybody out here looking for a project? There's a lightly damaged 05 on Copart with a current bid of $2150.00. The sale ends tomorrow. It's located in Indiana. It can be found at Copart.com and search 2005 Yamaha.
  2. Jayhawk

    '05 Max, ridiculously cheap

  3. dannymax

    Rare '05 V Max

    You just don't run across '05 v max's like this every day!! :rofl_200: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Vmax-1200cc_W0QQitemZ220473827337QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item335543a009&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245 Wonder why, if he bought it new, he doesn't know what year it is!! :ummm...
  4. gamorg02

    05 vmax $5500

    out near chirs (hansen): http://rochester.craigslist.org/mcy/1285920793.html nto a bad deal at all
  5. vmaxride06

    Paint for 05, 06, 07.

    I was having a bitch of a time matching the Frame and Engine color for my 06, Well finally found it. Figure I would share. http://www.colorrite.com/
  6. one2dmax

    New house - Marriage - Selling 05 Max??

    Well, I think it's finally getting that time. I proposed christmas 07 and we are finally making some firm plans. Looks like it is hopefully going to be Sept 12th if we can secure the facility she wants. Plus we are going to go ahead and start looking for a house near my shop. We don't want to...
  7. slowpoke

    05 vmax

    i kinda introduced myself in a different post but i figured id do it here as well. after riding r6's for years i finally decided to wise up and get in the hunt for a vmax. power and much more comfortable for long trips. ( you ever take a 1200 mile trip on a sport bike? not fun lol) anyway i just...
  8. joelyons50023

    05 caliper options

    I was wondering the option of calipers for my 05 wither r1, bussa, or what ever direct bolt ons and ones that require brackets that someone already makes i allready know fjr or bussa master are a good idea to go with the new calipers any responce would be great.
  9. R

    05 Clutch Problem

    On my 2005 vmax when i go to put it in gear i always seem to get quite a loud 'Clunk' and bike seems to jump a little, after a few miles its very hard to select neutral from first, the gear lever seems to stick. Once the bike is moving the gearbox works perfect, i've changed the clutch fluid and...
  10. odieoh24

    isr masters, 05 r1 front end, otec triples, ohlins rears

    $4000 and change, but worth every cent. hmf exhaust will be coming shortly! dont tell the ole lady what i spent this summer or i'm gonna have to figure out a way to live in it lol!! the ride is even better than i expected. once i get comfortable with the new setup underneath me, i WILL keep up...
  11. V

    Bought an '05 Today, What to Mod First?

    I've been lurking for weeks but finally took the plunge and bought an '05 on E-Bay today. Photos look immaculate and it only has 1200 miles on it...hope it's just as nice whan it gets here! I'm thinking first mods will be seat and exhaust. This site has been a wealth of information so far...
  12. J

    0.5 volt drain issue

    I have 97 max stock everyting. Ive got a .5 volt drain on system not running. I have traced it to a med size black wire. See picture attached. If you are sitting on your bike it will be the left side. The black wire going up the frame has continuity the frame. The black wire going down the frame...
  13. M

    My 05 has finally been tuned

    It took my tuner more than 2 weeks because of the rain we have had in Texas but I finally got it back. My Max has 1695 miles and the only mod is the HMF exhaust. It put down 116.9 un-corrected to the rear tire on very crappy air. I'm going to get it re-dyno'd in the fall with SAE corrected...