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  1. rhoke

    Last day open Cordova Out with a bang

    Hello all, Well I happen to get the bike out one time this year and it was perfect weather to boot. Well anyhow I will post time slips and last video. Bike has changed some since last post -Stock heads no porting- due to valve guide breaking. -Barnett Spring Conversion- WOW very nice an...
  2. S

    Veterans Day

    Thanks to all of the past and present vets, in the grave or still roaming the planet, who have given us, in the U S, what freedoms we still have. AND to the ones who lost loved ones.
  3. naughtyG

    & the Stupid ******* of the Day Award goes to..

    ..ME! Having survived two days of riding the tail of the dragon at Deal's Gap in the wet and at night, I today proceeded to wash my bike, clean and dry the camping gear, take off that worn rear Shinko and replace with brand the new Dunlop 491 (on spare wheel) and refit my Venture pumpkin...
  4. vmaxcruzer

    labor day ride

    A couple pall's and I aired out the bikes today on a 410 mile trip up to Hell's Canyon ID/OR. The weather was incredible, scenery was amazing, bacon cheese burger for lunch in the canyon was awesome, probably one of the best rides of the year. I'm the only Yamy out of the four. They called it...
  5. CaptainKyle

    Central Florida Tech day

    Just wondering if any one would be interested in another tech day maybe in the next month or so we had a pretty good turn out last time & I enjoyed it. Yall just let me know & so I will make a date & do it again. If I wait untill the start of October I can even do it on a Sunday for the ones...
  6. warbeast

    The sad day has come.

    I put the ol' max up for sale in the Buy and Sell section today. I think I am starting to develop some lower back problems and the slight lean forward I have to do while riding isn't helping. I'm also trying to get into something that may...
  7. EvilD

    Sad day for Music, Les Paul, RIP

    Les Paul passed away Guy flushed more talented DNA everyday that Michael JAckson every had but won't get 1% of the press because he didn't play lousy top 40 garbage. Sad day for the real music lovers of the world
  8. Theemax

    Had to flat track the max the other day!!

    Riding to work the other day and coming through a small town,, a lady coming towards me turns left right in front of me!! I was running about 40, and did (out of instinct) something I have done a million times on dirt bikes. I knew Ireally never thought I could avoid her, but knew I needed to...
  9. tfisher65

    Ontario Drag Day

    The 1st annual VMOA Ontario Chapter Drag Day is scheduled for Sunday, August 2nd, 2009 at St.Thomas Dragway. NHRA safety rules apply - Snell 2000 or 2005 certified helmets, leather or ballistic jackets, leather boots/shoes. If quicker than 10.00...
  10. tfisher65

    Ontario Drag Day

    The 1st annual VMOA Ontario Chapter Drag Day is scheduled for Sunday, August 2nd, 2009 at St.Thomas Dragway. NHRA safety rules apply - Snell 2000 or 2005 certified helmets, leather or ballistic jackets, leather boots/shoes. If quicker than 10.00...
  11. D

    Ufo drag day

    Anybody going???
  12. maleko89

    Topeka Dyno Day

    Don't forget, it's this Sunday starting at 8:00 am! Please email me at [email protected] if you want more information. Some of us will be down there late Friday afternoon and others will be coming down on Saturday.
  13. maleko89

    Tech day in Florida

    Event to be on Saturday July 11th starting about noon. I will cook a simple lunch Hamburgers hotdogs etc & supply soft drinks any one is welcome to drink beer ETC here but y'all are on your own on that I will let you use my truck to go to the corner store & pick up what you need. My address is...
  14. J

    Happy Fathers Day

    Always been single and as it turned out, I have never had any kids. For those of you that do.....HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! ....way to go Dad!
  15. 06VMAXIMUS

    Flag Day is Sunday in U.S.

    Flag day is this Sunday the I went to 3 different stores to get a new flag, as mine is pretty tattered. WTF???? they were ALL made in CHINA!!!! Pretty sad to think our manufacturing base has been lowered to the point that we can't even make our own FLAGS!!!!!!!
  16. Jaoteay

    Red River, NM Memorial Day Rally

    I'm leaving for Red River, NM for the Memorial Day Rally on Friday - anyone else going?
  17. S

    First day with the new steed....

    Well, in a mere week's time, I've gone from wanting a vmax to looking for a vmax to finding a vmax to buying a vmax to bringing a vmax home to spending my first day with a vmax. Pretty nice progression if you ask me. I've ridden these bikes before, but for no extended time...just a block or...
  18. HDKILA

    HD demo/dyno day (new buell/vrod review included)

    Took my max to get dyno'd today at the local HD dealer. The bad news is that they told me they would not dyno my max because they don't have the "software" to do it...bunch of **** if you ask me. Anyways it was demo day as well and I was able to ride the new Buell 1125R and the new VRod...
  19. Bill Kratzenberg

    Take your kid to work day

    Remember Thursday is take your kid to work day.
  20. SvenDGAF

    Thought for the day...

    Left my scoops removed when it rained while i was at work the other day ( i was halfway through cleaning and roughing it up in prep to be sprayed matt black) and came home and the turn signals didn't work. undid all conectors, wd40'd the lot and reconnected - no joy. I started thinking it must...