
VMAX  Forum

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  1. hubeerjw

    Heads and Valves and Rust and Pits

    I took my heads to get cleaned at my father-in-law's shop and we removed the valves and springs, and my front head has some pits in it (along with a few valves.) It isn't too bad, but I wanted to see what everyone else thought. Should I try to find new heads, or do I just use these? They will be...
  2. vmaxinID

    Heads up

    Here is an auction from a fellow Idahoan. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&sspagename=ADME%3AL%3ARTQ%3AUS%3A1&viewitem=&item=290099204431 He has had so much traffic since posting that he is thinking of pullin' the auction. I think we should talk him into pullin'...
  3. Maximum

    Heads Up

    For any in the northwest Ohio area (or close), this was in the Toledo Blade today--first time. Yamaha '97 V-Max exceptionally clean 5400 miles $5500 419-266-6239