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  1. C

    1985 with 1996 engine, kerker stage 7

    My dyno results. I have a stage 7 kit (no V-boost), stock airbox and air filter, Kerker 4-1 Jet size was 165, now 140 I will have a K & N on shortly, will have to raise the needles a clip when I do. Don't know air/fuel, do know it runs a touch lean down low (nothing to be concerned with...
  2. devildog44

    Kerker Baffle

    I have a 95 Max with a Kerker 4 into 1 and Stage 7 Jet Kit. I wanted to get even more sound out of it, so today I removed the baffle and took out the fiber glass wrap and put the baffle back in. Is there anything I sould worry about by not having the wrap in there (minus the police)? BTW the...
  3. Vee4DFW

    Centerstand tabs and Kerker

    Hi folks, How much of the tabs do I have to cut off? I have a Dremmel. Any recommended cutting disk? Thanks in advance
  4. G

    Kerker vs Holeshot

    Not trying to start a argument, just looking for opinions. I like the symmetrical look of holeshot. Don't really want the slip-ons from Kerker as one of my stock pipes has a couple of small dents in it, so it needs to go. Thanks, Shane
  5. Toolman

    kerker jetting

    Hey Guys, I just bought a used Kerker 4-2-1 system with a 13" can that has a 1.5" outlet. This system will be used on a 87 Max. What is the recommended jetting and needle clip position. I have stock needles (adjustable) or I could use factory pro. I need good a starting point for...
  6. T

    Kerker Exhaust questions

    Hello, I have two kerker cans with 2" inlets and wondered if they are supposed to be slip ons? I have a holeshot system right now so I can't look at my bike. I'm almost ashamed to revel this but...
  7. H

    Kerker 4-2-1 ,stage 7,K&N

    Hey whats up ? Finally did it ,installed the kerker pipes ,stage kit and k&n filters .I was very surprised with the results,more torque,better throttle response and just a good swift kick in the pants.Why did i wait so long to do the mods? Oh yea thats right, the old ball&chain,(WIFE).:bang...
  8. H

    Kerker 4-2-1 Stage 7 Upgrade

    Hey whats up? Been wanting to upgrade my stock 2000 vmax for years. If i go with kerker 4-2-1- stage 7 K&N filters will i still have v-boost ?How many horses might i gain from this application? Anyone with similiar set up ,I'd love to hear from ya .
  9. joelyons50023

    Why buy the 2.5'' baffle for kerker

    I did not want to spend the money for the 2.5'' baffle so i modified the stock one. I cut off the corrigated piece that comes off of the tip. and then to help with the flow problems i drilled 12 holes in the end cap where the slots are at. And I know this is useless w/o pics so i will get some...
  10. M

    polishing kerker can.

    Anyone ever polish their 4-1 kerker canister? I did mine yesterday. I started with 220 grit, then 330, then 400, then 600 and finally 1000 then ran it through the buffer. It turned out just OK, I can still see the lines in the can from the manufacturing. Should I start with a more course...
  11. Stingray230sx

    Kerker header question(oh,New guy here)

    hi guys, newbie to the forum , but i have owned my 1997 Vmax for a year now(bought this time last year off e-bay) and i have an exhaust question about the Kirker 4-1 system thats currently on my bike. i am in the process of replacing the exhaust header gaskets and when removing the allen nuts...
  12. backfire

    Kerker Slip-On's?

    As many of you guys know, I've been waiting on the new Max to come out and I've also been trying to find a HDSE forever, but for whatever reason, I just haven't found the one I want yet. Soooo, it looks as if I'll keep my '95 for awhile longer (at least for this Summer) so I'm in the market for...
  13. Hercules

    Kerker there is no substitute!!!

    I just went from a UFO 4 into 2 to a Kerker 4 into 1 with a 2.5 inch baffle. I don't care what anyone says, nothing on this planet beats the sound of a Kerker with the comp. baffle[it sounds bad ass!!!!!] like a freak-en dragster! Dont waste your money on anything else!Damn!
  14. lankeeyankee

    Kerker turn down Extension pipe

    For those that run the Kerker 4-2-1 with a 2.5 comp baffle you know how loud it can be when riding down the interstate at 80 MPH and the tach is running 6000. After awhile this tends to be hard on the ear drum. After putting up with it for 4 yrs I had enough and decided to do something about but...
  15. VeeAte

    Kerker love/hate

    The Kerker 4-2-1 is by far my favourite Vmax exhaust of choice, but damn, can't they get around the cutting off the centrestand tab with their design? That is the only thing holding me back from it. Love the 2" comp baffle in it also. What are people's experiences with the slip on Kerkers? I...
  16. tdogmason

    Anyone Have a Used Kerker Exhaust

    I have searched everywhere for a used full Kerker System. Does anyone know where to find one, and on another note would anyone have interest in buying my stock headers with kerker slip-ons.
  17. Hercules

    Captain Kerker or UFO

    Which pipe is louder the Kerker 4,2,1 [with 2.5 comp baffle]or the UFO 4,2? Which pipe sounds better? Finally which pipe do you feel performs better?
  18. maxcruiser

    Length of Kerker can?

    For you guys that have a Kerker 4-2-1 Kerker exhaust system - what is that length of the can - mine is in storage so I can't measure it right now. Thanks Mike
  19. DJDrPhil

    2000 Vmax- Kerker exhaust, k & n filter, stage 1 dj jet kit.

    My bike has the kerker exhaust with the 1 3/4" baffle. I love the sound but was thinking of going with the 2" or the 2 1/2". I usually run with the baffle out and just the end cap with the 1 3/4" opening. With the baffle in my bike bogs down, it feels like to much restriction and loads it up...
  20. joelyons50023

    Tuning For Kerker 4-1?

    Just wondering what all jets and settings all togther would be best to go with. I like the idea of having the v-boost controlable but not electronicly more like manually by cable. I want to get some pod filters not k&n so I was wondering what is the carb opening size is for the pod filters? I am...