
VMAX  Forum

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  1. 12master

    jacksonville ,florida,vmax owners!

    hello,I will like to know if there is anyone who lives close to jacksonville,fl, I'm new to the area and will like to ride with some vmaxers!
  2. Nobody

    2009-2010 Owners

    How many 2009-2010 owners are on here? 1) Nobody- 2009
  3. dnrncnl

    owners manual/repair manual

    is there a place on line to download these or do you have to get the disks thanks for the info
  4. MDoe8

    Colorado Vmax owners?

    I'm curious if there are many Colorado owners out there? I'm wanting to set up a ride perhaps and meet some new people! Would also like to see how much my rich jetting is effecting performance :(
  5. C

    919 owners

    i see a few snooping around glad you stopped by...stop buy say hello
  6. vmaxinID

    Perfect suit for 09 owners!!!

  7. G

    Age of Vmax owners

    I'm 57, and have been riding most on my adult life. I have been through cruisers, older Jap inline motors, and "power cruisers" and settled on the two bikes I now have. They say that this type of progression happens but now it looks to me like in reality most people START with cruisers, and...
  8. Icecold

    Anyone 09 owners find a new speedo?

    I think the new Max is a beautfiul piece of art except for that god awful wart of a speedo/tach, anyone feel the same way and if so anyone find a viable option for a replacement??
  9. J

    Arai helmet owners

    Looking to buy a new helmet, I went by the stealer today and I like the way the Arai Profile fit the best. The rep working told me Arai's down fall is that they are the noisiest out of Arai, Shoei, and Suoy. He said the nice thing is they are one of the coolest because of all the venting. Any...
  10. APValle

    09' VMAX Owners in Europe

    Following all fellow americans riders, who are beggining to know who is waiting for the new Vmax, I would like to invite all riders in Europe who are waiting for their new bike to come here and announce their presence. Of course this is not a silly thread exclusive to Europeans...the intention...
  11. C

    99 owners manual

    Picked up my Max yesterday and no owners manual in the box of extras. Is there a place I should look on the bike where I might find it?? Does anyone know a link where I could find an electronic version?? Thanx
  12. gleno

    Gun Owners MUST Read

    FINAL LOOTING OF AMERICA BY OUTLAWS IN DC By: Devvy Kidd - October 16, 2008 ? 2008 - NewsWithViews.com Outlaw is defined as: a person, group, or thing excluded from the benefits and protection of the law. Americans who care about freedom and liberty have known for a long time that Congress...
  13. Shuriken

    Why don't more Max owners do this?

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&viewitem=&item=180282961016 Just curious.
  14. Hercules

    Good news for 09 owners

    Paul[Madmax] has got a bunch of things in the works for the 09 once he gets his hands on it... if the swimgarm will accept a 8.5 inch rim he will be making a direct bolt on rear wheel sporting a 240-250,if it wont he will be making a complete swingarm wheel package, he will also be making other...
  15. johnny5

    stage 4 jet kit...?ing previous owners upgrades

    I have an '86 i'm putting back together, it has stock head pipes and the 2 kerker slip ons. The previous owner says he bought it from the original owner who stated they put a stage 4 kit and pipes on it at the dealership. What would this stage 4 kit consist of and is there any identifying...
  16. gleno

    V-rod owners imprssions of the New V-max

    Well this is what the opposition are saying. http://www.1130cc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101454
  17. Rusty McNeil

    Vmax owners age?

    I've noticed on the last few get togethers we've had that the averge age of the Vmaxxers in my area is probably consistent with having wanted one when they came out in 1985..... Seems like most guys are mid 40's to late 50's The youngest guy I know riding one is in his early 30's and the...
  18. S

    Just purchased an HMF ( polished )...questions for the HMF owners

    Anyone purchase this system and leave the Carb setting stock? I really don't wanna be messing with the inside of the carbs. I have a T-boost, K&N Filter, and I ride with the t-boost on 90 % of the time . My stock jet sizes are 152.5 for 2,4 and 155 for 1,3. and I'm at Sea-level...
  19. Turbomark

    Any Vmax owners in Montgomery or Bucks county?

    Can anyone tell me about events and rides near Bucks or Montgomery County Pa.? Or do all the Vmax owners live in western Pa.?
  20. Buster Hymen

    Question to Hayabusa owners

    On the weekend I was at an event that the motorcycle manufacturers were at and they were having demo rides. One of the bikes I tried out was the Busa and that thing is smoking! :punk: Who else here has or had one, looking for some feedback on the bike as there is room in the garage for a 3rd...