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  1. P

    A few issues while starting??

    Hi. I'm pretty new here. I've been reading most of the posts and just wanted some clarification on a starting problem thats slowly getting worse. After the bike is at operating temp, It's hard to get started again. (Seems very hard for the starter to turn over, and when it does, it is very slow...
  2. M

    cold starting

    hey guys, what is the preferred/best method to awaken Mr. Max from his long winter slumber. He's been hooked up all winter trickle charging. do i just open the choke and start cranking a few times. do i open the throttle as well. i recall with my old '90 vfr it was quite easy after the winter...
  3. M

    starting problem

    Ive got a 1990 full power model which was working perfectly. I topped up the fuel tank this morning and noticed a slight rust mark inside the tank fill tube.. I assumed a bit of water had got past the cap .. went out for a ride but started misfire after 500 yards then stopped and refused to...
  4. MeanMax

    96 running rough when first starting

    I have 96 VMax with 23,000 miles and no modifications. My problem is after the bike warms up and i take off, it seems to lose a cylinder randomly. it will surge and pop out the exhaust and in to the air box. but after about 5 miles it goes away. then every once in a while it will pop in the...
  5. S

    1985 starting problems, and air/fuel question

    Hello all, well here it is...a friend of mine recently bought a max. He basically bought it because I brag about how great my 06 is, and that if he picked up an old one, he'd find that they are not much different. Problem: The bike cranks over really really really almost...
  6. Calimus

    Hot starting issues

    So I've read before that the Max is prone to heat soak issues with the starter. Well, since I live in the pit of hell (Georgia) I've started having that problem the last 2 days. So, I know there is a way to beef up the wiring, possibly add a relay to help combat this. Though I would post...