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  1. vmax2extreme

    Thunder in the Valley

    Hello Vmax Enthusiasts, Another year has gone by and that means its time to start the planning for Thunder in the Valley 2013. The VMOA will be hosting another year on June 20 - 23 in Somerset, PA and I am calling for people to help out with this event. What does this mean for you? I am...
  2. J

    2013 Thunder in the Valley

    Days INN in Somerset, PA. We'll be arriving Wed evening 6/19/13 and plan on leaving Sun morning 6/23/13. Reservations made! :eusa_dance: The wait is ON. Anyone else reserved?
  3. 95spfldmax

    Zak Are You Out There Tearing Up Lebenon Valley?

    Zak, Are you there Wednesday nights ripping up the asphault?? I'm looking to get up there and spectate....maybe more....Summer's about gone but the fall season is about to start.........I know Danny, Rick and Steve are looking to check it out too. Give us an update and let's use this thread to...
  4. vmax2extreme

    Thunder in the Valley - Help Needed!

    Hello my Vmax friends, For those of you that are coming to Thunder in the Valley, we are in the need to have someone lead a ride Friday June 22 for an hour or two for the people that stay for the 3pm Tech Session. Also need someone to lead our Saturday June 23 Flight 93 ride from 2pm -...
  5. VMax-Mike

    Thunder in the valley v-max shirt

    Do to art work fee's i was only able to get the shirts down to $13.75 each. All that have a shirt coming need to paypal money to The shirts will be handed out at Days Inn parking lot on Thursday June 21st. If you wont be going to Thunder in the Valley you will need to send...
  6. VMax-Mike

    Boostn' thunder in the valley t-shirt

    We need to sell 5 more shirts. also need to vote on blue shirt with white lighting Or black shirt with neon green lighting. Here is a proof for some feedback. Join Date: Dec 2007 Location: Fairbanks, Alaska Posts: 5,833 My VMax: 2007 Max, Raven and Red Awards Showcase Total Awards: 2...
  7. vmax2extreme

    Thunder in the Valley 2012

    I will be spearheading the VMOA Thunder in the Valley Planning Committee. If your interested in being on the committee to help out & voice your ideas for this years gathering, please let me know. Currently, we already have 3 people volunteering. Even if you do not want to be on this...
  8. 95spfldmax

    A Night at Lebenon Valley Dragway Zak??

    Zak, Are you planning to run at Lebenon Valley tomorrow night? Danny, Steve, Mark & myself were thinking about coming over to spectate. Weather's forecasted to be nice last I saw. Let us know.................
  9. vmax2extreme

    Thunder In The Valley 2011 -- Role Call?

    We are trying to get a count of attendees this year for the TITV 2011 event. Please append your name to this list so we have a idea. Thanks! 1. Michael Moore 2. 3. 4. 5.
  10. 1967vmax

    Dyno for Thunder In the Valley

    I posted this on the other site as well i can rent a NON-portable dyno for the weekend of thunder for $500 all day or 3 passes for $45.00 which is still a great deal. The dyno is at Ajs racing in tyrone pa about an hr from j-town. Lets have a shootout!!! :th_biggun:
  11. vmax2extreme

    Thunder in the Valley

    I'm heading up to Thunder from MD on Friday June 25 very early. Anyone interested in hooking up for the ride there? I am organizing a gathering of riders heading up from the MD, VA, WVA area. Let me know if your interested! Mike
  12. S

    Fox Valley,IL slide into spring Poker run

    Anyone in the Chicago area going to the Poker run at the Harley dealership at 2595 Ogden ave. Lisle, IL today 8 May 2010? I just found out about it and looking at going. I would be riding there from naperville. You can find more info at if your in my area, let me know and we'll...
  13. Bill Seward

    Thunder in the Valley

    I'm planning it again this year. Probably camping. Kathy will probably stay home this time, so I'll be able to travel light enough to tane the Max this time. Maybe we can get a group of forum members out there this year...
  14. Mr. Bill

    Thunder in the Valley ??

    Some of the group from last weekends Spring Ice Breaker Ride are going to Thunder in the Valley the end of the month. Everyone said that the chances of getting a room at this late date are almost non existent. Does anyone out there have a room that they have booked and will not be using it...
  15. Bill Kratzenberg

    Thunder in the valley 2009

    Anyone on the forum planning on going this year?
  16. Thevmaxrider

    New VMax to be at Thunder in the Valley

    Yamaha/Star has announced that the new VMax will be on display at Thunder in the Valley. Here is the location: June 26 - 29, 2008 Thunder in the Valley Walnut Street (across from Train Station) Johnstown, PA Not too sure exactly where that is in town, but I am sure I can follow the noise of...
  17. B

    Thunder valley

    Is anyone going to the PMRA finals this weekend at thunder valley? I know that a few of you race there.