1 Wet plug

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Nairobi, Kenya
Had the bike out over the long weekend and my buddy was telling me that he smells gas comming from the exhaust, I too smell it when I start up. I took the plugs off today and 1 is wet fouled, smells like gasoline, the other 3 are fine. Will adjusting the air/fuel mixture screw fix the problem or is there something elese I should look at first, before I take it back to the shop that just overhauled my carbs.


Ron, before you do anything make sure that plug is firing.

First off check for spark on that cylinder. If spark, than it's more than likely carb related. So at this point you can either fix it or bring it back to where they did the work to it.

After checking spark and it's ok, next would be sync the carbs, if that doesn't work, next is to clean the carb(s) etc....

Good luck

Well F%^$# me, thaks for the quick response, I checked for spark, none, lifted the seat, the ***** forgot to reconnect the ignition coil!!!, couldnt understand why she felt slugish.

Here is the million dollar question, riding the bike like I did on 3 cylinders could have damaged anything

Thanks once again guys.

Shes running fine now, at first there was blue smoke comming from the exhaust, seems to be going away, would that be from residue?? I hope so!


Love these big 4 cylinder bikes. Barely notice that a cylinder dies out on ya. I think I've had a clogged idle circuit for a while but damn it's still fast enough for me.

I was worried for a while where all that unfired gas was going? Aside from hitting the pocket book, i figured it was just shooting out to the exhaust.

I'm still not 100% sure if i'm up to par. My condo assn wants me to stop maintaining the bike on the property, so my tinkering will be a little less.

good luck!
I would change the OIL ASAP! You were dumping raw fuel into the engine and what didnt get pushed out the exhaust washed past your rings and into your oil.
I would change the oil and take the bill to whoever worked on your bike last! I wouldnt let them do an oil change they may forget to put the drain plug back in.