1600cc for $2500....

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You could probably get with some of the guys at the race that day in 2000 and verify but this sounds like the story I remember reading. Problems at the track. I'm going to keep digging for info because I dislike it when vendors misrepresent their products.

As noted, it is possible that I could be wrong but in ten years the story hasn't changed and the engine never showed up in any articles or stories that I am aware of (or made a good running pass anywhere).
Hi folks: I just bought the bike with the 1600cc motor, but it's actually 16,000 cc and has lasers attached to its frickin' head. 1 million horsepower! And it was a steal at 50 cents with free shipping!

Oh yeah!!!

Oh yeah...carb chains wrapped up and down and all over the laser cannons.
Found some more info on the mad max engine (and will look for more). The date was 1999 which I see he did not send that picture of it. So, it's been well over 10 years since he built it and why has no one heard much about it? The reason (that I think) it has not been heard of is because it blew up. I could easily be wrong. See the center pic for the date.


If you notice a good portion of the people were not there. I was simply going off of what Tubovmax mentioned. He said he was there and saw the turbo version of the 2400 bike. not the 3000cc bike. He was just going for a dragbike motor, noothing streetable.
Still, makes you wonder why since it's been over 10 years that we haven't heard any more from this project. If it worked at all he'd have sold a few of them.

Still, makes you wonder why since it's been over 10 years that we haven't heard any more from this project. If it worked at all he'd have sold a few of them.


Me thinks it's been scrapped due to reliability. I't wasn't the cheapest to put a rod through my 1428 Kawi motor at the track, I can't imagine the price tag toasting a one off engine.
My point exactly. I don't think it survived the track day. If it did it may not have survived much more then that. I think we will be able to make it survive for drag racing but without a cooling system and lack of methanol gas stations it won't be practical for the street. The 1500's are pushing the limit most of the time in my opinion. The stroke can raise that up a bit but a far distance from the 2000cc mark still.

Its kinda like the new twins that Ultima is putting out. 140ci, with over 175hp and 160tq. I would love to get my hands on one to see the streetability on it. my 127 was a monster. I can imagine what this engine would feel like. but I'm thinking the long haul on this beast isn't going to be so long.
Good deals can be found but I'd excerise caution with this one....

If Elvis splits the gass - he can ride with me anytime!!!!!!!
