First, add below your screen name where you live, someone local to you may be a volunteer to assist in getting things sorted. IT also helps when suggesting parts or service people to you.
Second, downl oad this to your computer for a reference. The factory manual should be read to acquaint yourself with the bike, it sounds as-though you aren't strong in the mechanical skills department. You need to familiarize yourself with the bike before you 'lay-hands' upon it. Note that the front of the manual has updates for different years, additions and modifications of directions for things which changed with different years' models. You should look at your VIN and compare it to the information in the service manual to ensure that you're looking at the info for your year.
I suspect that you have an obstructed pilot jet, there are four of them. One or more of yours, I suspect is blocked, and is not performing low-speed fuel metering according to factory specifications. You can try all the peashooter/shotgun methods you want, but in my experience, disassembly and a thorough cleaning is the way to clear this up.
You should also take a look into your gas tank with a strong lamp. If the tank is 'unlined,' meaning that no one has used an aftermarket fuel tank liner chemical kit to try and stop a rusting tank from shedding rust into the fuel consumed, which is a sure-fire way to have obstructed carburetor jets and gas passages (the rusted-internally gas tank, not necessarily the gas tank liner chemicals, though a poorly-applied tank liner job can also fail to adhere, and will shed-off the tank and clog your carburetors) and poor metering performance), the gas tank interior should appear to be 'shiny-bright' metal. Anything which appears dirty, or which has dull-colored deposits upon the floor/sides of the gas tank, needs to be removed to stop the continual movement of those deposits into your carburetors' small passageways.
Have you changed your gas filter yet? There are many threads on-here about gas filters, you
do-not need to buy a OEM Yamaha gas filter for your bike, they are probably three times (or-more) the price of an acceptable substitute from your local auto parts store. I'd recommend one to-you, but not-knowing where you're located, the info may not be of use to you. If you use the search function on here, you can find that info.
Here's a thread that you should read
entirely to help you with knowledge about your motorcycle.
Another useful thread, especially for your issues:
A good source for examining parts fiches:
This is also a Yamaha dealer in the USA, for parts.