2003 vmax with UFO exhaust and vgas

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Well maybe some people have problems with Vgas, but I personally havn't. They've been pretty maintenance free for me. But I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people that have issues with stock carbs too. I do think there's nothing that looks or sounds nearly as cool as them. But again, that's just my opinion. I guess that's not worth much around here but just think its kinda messed up after someone buys a bike and some parts to customize it and someone says that it was a spectacular waste of money. But I guess again that's just my opinion. About as worthless as the stuff i buy. As for the dude who bought the bike and was excited to come on here and tell everyone about it, I hope you have good luck with your Vmax and let me know how you like the carbs even if nobody else does.
They are some of the coolest looking carbs available but the performance gain is far over hyped. Also, the very worst engines I have taken apart coincidentally had the vgas carbs. I suspect that the poor filtration was the biggest issue with those specific situations.

Either way he'll have fun with his new bike!


I like my Vgas. Didn't buy it cuz it was faster.. Which it is against my buddies stock Vmax and mine with Seans carb kit. Must be the gearing or something.

I bought it so I could throw away the fake scoops and add the real deal.

Enjoy the site!:punk:


I picked up the bike yesterday first time I have seen it , it's in not bad condition but unfortunitly arrived with a burnt out clutch , not good service since I brought it from a licenced motor vechicle dealer I'm going to ring him on Monday to see what he has to say.

The exhaust arrived from UFO yesterday as well it was a bit late but on the bright side I fitted it today and it fitted perfectly , it sounds good too but loud it may be a wee bit too loud , I have only idled it in my shed as I can not ride the bike because of no clutch , I've ordered off ebay a new clutch engine oil filter and spark plugs fuel filter it has two new tyres and new brakes on it , it would have been nice to race it this Wensday night but I'm stuck waiting for parts.

still no word about the vgas carbs hopefully they arrive before the clutch etc arrives but there will be no racing for me this season as after this month the track is closed for winter.

The bike is stripped down in the shed now waiting for parts I've done as much as I can do.

Question when is the cooling fan suspose to cut in ??

How hot on the tempiture guage ??

How many litres of oil does the engine take ??
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I picked up the bike yesterday first time I have seen it , it's in not bad condition but unfortunitly arrived with a burnt out clutch , not good service since I brought it from a licenced motor vechicle dealer I'm going to ring him on Monday to see what he has to say.

The exhaust arrived from UFO yesterday as well it was a bit late but on the bright side I fitted it today and it fitted perfectly , it sounds good too but loud it may be a wee bit too loud , I have only idled it in my shed as I can not ride the bike because of no clutch , I've ordered off ebay a new clutch engine oil filter and spark plugs fuel filter it has two new tyres and new brakes on it , it would have been nice to race it this Wensday night but I'm stuck waiting for parts.

still no word about the vgas carbs hopefully they arrive before the clutch etc arrives but there will be no racing for me this season as after this month the track is closed for winter.

The bike is stripped down in the shed now waiting for parts I've done as much as I can do.

Question when is the cooling fan suspose to cut in ??

How hot on the tempiture guage ??

How many litres of oil does the engine take ??

What a bummer. It sucks that they sold you a bike for so much money and it doesn't work. It seems like you are familiar with wrenching as you tore it apart so quickly. As far as temp vs fan start, I think this varies with the Max. Mine kicks on just past the half way point but I've heard others that doesn't come on till the 3/4 mark. It seems to have been stated that this is fine and if you want it earlier, you can add an after market fan switch. Not sure on the oil.

Good luck getting her on the road and hopefully the dealer will kick back some repair money given the lack of disclosure about the clutch. I'd be curious to know your HP numbers before and after vgas. I was initially looking at them but changed my mind when I read about no air filter inside the intakes. They are the best looking Carbs out there. Makes Mr. Max look mean.

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My buddy Steve at his Dania Beach FL shop, Under Pressure, just got a notification that a set of VGas carbs which were ordered about 2+months ago are on their way. How long for yours? They are going on a 1500 cc engine he built.
Vgas are just common flat slides. With a cool looking way to mount them.
I think flat slides are generally going to give you a little more performance.
But $2000 for 8-10 hp$$$ Really?
Is the extra power cause they're flat slides or because they're just better flowing period. I wish we could just make our cv's bigger without having to spend big $$

Vgas Flat slides look cool as hell.

I put a set of vgas on a buddies, Antwerks, bike, he found em used and properly tuned for less than $1000, and he's been running them a couple of years now with way fewer problems than the stockers seem to cause us.
The guy he bought them from I've never seen on the web but after talking to him a couple of times he impressed us with his knowledge of them, he had them on a big bore motor he built.
He said "Do not touch any of the adjustments unless its float level and idle, get em out of whack and your in for a lot of pain to get them right again, mostly because the knowledge base is more limited for them"

In my seat of the pants assessment I'm pretty sure I could feel HP gain, but that's so subjective really how can you tell w/o Dyno runs?
The only real hassle he has is keeping them synched side to side, caused by the throttle cable design. And keeping it idling on all four carbs, also cable design issue, maybe lack of some well thought out linkage too.
If I remember correctly the split throttle cable design is kinda the root problem I think.
Two carbs on a side, left two are tied firmly together via mechanical linkage, same for right
Problem with the Vgas if I remember correctly is that there is no linkage tying the left and right side together.
Plus there's a throttle stop/idle adjustment on one side only.
This forces that split design cable to try to maintain synch and idle from one side to the other back up through the throttle cable and then back down from the split.
Pretty lazy engineering in my opinion.

I wanted a set but after riding his a few times the velocity stacks are definitely in the way of my 6' tall frame knees, I have to use a wider knee posture with the velocity stacks.
The Can make you smell like gas, no biggie unless it's a daily driver.

Any kind of decent filtration for them ruins the cool factor completely, the little screen bonnets just keep the rocks out.
Putting bigger scoops to cover them, to me at least, also ruins the cool factor.That'st an opinion tho.

All that said, if a ran across a deal like he did I'd be more than willing to run them.
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I have 4 into 1 throttle cable arrangement for one of my chopper projects, a cheap simple unit that might be what these carbs need, I'd need to double check as to where I got it from.
I have 4 into 1 throttle cable arrangement for one of my chopper projects, a cheap simple unit that might be what these carbs need, I'd need to double check as to where I got it from.

I think what they need is for all four carbs to be mechanically tied together, with a normal cable arrangement; just like the stockers and other conventional flat slide arrangements. Those split cables and no mechanical tie from left to right introduces too much error when on the throttle stop, and the split cables aren't very "repeatable" when on the stop.
Hey man, good to see another WA maxer on here. I too fell in love with the vgas and ufo pipes but am still holding off. Be very interested to see what sort of power and times you`ll be doin.
Just got mine running pretty good but still have to go see `naughty g` for a carb sync and chat one day.
I had a good couple of drags with a brand new cbr1000 at a few of sets of lights along the hwy, dead even up to 140km all 3 times. I think he was getting mad.
I thought that was pretty good from a stock 88 max, love to have just that little bit more!!
I brought a Morgan Tune carb sync tool for 60 pounds from the UK on my way home from work now plan to get the bike on the road again on Friday put in the new clutch and service engine etc.. Going to change the temp switch for the fan to drop the temp the fan cuts in by 20 degrees F I'm a bit unsure of what engine oil to put in at this stage ? Can't wait to see how much power the thing has.
I apologize for the first post, in retrospect not sure why I put it that way. What I was trying to say is that you seem to be setting yourself up for disappointment, especially with the big $$$ you're putting into this bike.....that it perhaps could have been used for more reliable/easy benefits.

OEM friction plates are typically your best bet and only a couple bucks more than the generics. If the steels aren't warped or otherwise damaged a light radial sanding or bead blasting will revive them. For springs you can either double up stock springs "dd", or get the heavy duty spring made by PCW, which is kind of halfway between stock and the dd, roughly 50% stiffer. The single stock spring just isn't strong enough especially for over-stock power. It's also a good idea to toss the anti-chatter assembly in the back if it hadn't been already and just replace it with another regular friction, instead of the 1/2 friction and piano wire thing that's in there stock.

With a filter it takes about 3.5 quarts, so like 3.4 liters.

The stock cooling fan kicks on at 220*F. Or it can be replaced with the fan switch from an '88 Nissan Sentra, which trips it at 190ish* F. 220* corresponds to just shy of the red zone on the stock temp gauge. Normal cruise hovers between 170-190 depending on ambient temp, with the fan running mine never goes over 200. A manual fan switch just shorts the two wires to the sensor together and is a fairly popular mod.
"Ra," thanks for the fan thermocouple advice, I just saved it in my folder!



Bike is back on te road I put a Barnet clutch in it and replaced the stock spring with a barnet one , i put the half plate back in with the springs and piano wire because I did not have a extra full plate , it works good i'm happy with it. I replaced the fan temp switch to make the fan kick it 20 degrees lower than stock that works good , the bike never heats up over half way before it was getting right up there close to the red while stuck in trafic. I polished the scoops replaced the oil and filter and coolant.I am running Yamalube 15w 50 mineral oil from the local Yamaha dealer. The exhaust is loud you need ear plugs to ride it but it sounds real good sets of alarms and makes dogs bark no complants yet but a few people have ran out to the side of the road to see whats flying around and around the block.

I set the v bost so it is on all the time untill I fit the v gas i'm going to give it a good old flogging tomorrow see what it can really do on the open road.



I put the vgas on it was easy to put on , only a couple of hours work I also polished the grills in the rocket covers.The vgas works good didn't need any tunning just had to adjust the idle it starts well and does not spit fuel on your knees and the stacks get in the way of my knees a little bit , but you just widen your knees a bit it's not even a drama.It feels like it has a heap more power , it will go on the dyno next month. Im having a bit of trouble with the throttle cables being a bit stiff , I've sprayed them with crc twice and they seem to be getting better I think I just need to work the crc in there a bit more.They did take two months to arrive but now that I have them and have installed them I'm happy with them .They really look cool!!!! I changed the end caps on the exhaust to the smaller size that helps too it is way too loud with the 2.5 inch end caps.
I am learning that spool up time in the 1/4 mile is a big factor. It dont matter if you have more hp or torq if the bike dont spool quickly. I have been on a vmax with flat slide's and UFO exhaust and i could feel that it was spooling up quicker than my stock carbs. I feel if you took the same bike and same rider the bike might not make more hp and torq or it might make more. but it will spool faster and if you can put it on the pavement your 60' time will be faster. And the cool look factor is about as tough a look as it get's. As for money and a vmax if thats a factor than stick with a stock bike. Its the best bang for the buck in stock form.
Bike is back on te road I put a Barnet clutch in it and replaced the stock spring with a barnet one , i put the half plate back in with the springs and piano wire because I did not have a extra full plate , it works good i'm happy with it. I replaced the fan temp switch to make the fan kick it 20 degrees lower than stock that works good , the bike never heats up over half way before it was getting right up there close to the red while stuck in trafic. I polished the scoops replaced the oil and filter and coolant.I am running Yamalube 15w 50 mineral oil from the local Yamaha dealer. The exhaust is loud you need ear plugs to ride it but it sounds real good sets of alarms and makes dogs bark no complants yet but a few people have ran out to the side of the road to see whats flying around and around the block.

I set the v bost so it is on all the time untill I fit the v gas i'm going to give it a good old flogging tomorrow see what it can really do on the open road.

First time i ever known of a 15W50 mineral oil...

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