2010 Vmax shifter on 85

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
Middletown, PA
So, with my redneck modification that the previous owner did to my shifter, I'm still not happy with the way it feels. I would normally just buy a stock shifter, but due to where he moved it, I don't think it has the proper clearance anymore. However, looking at the 2nd gen's shifter, that looks like it might be just about perfect. My question is, will that shifter fit? Are those mounting pegs for the shifters standard?

Ok, I just heard back from the seller of the shifter, and as long as his calipers and my calipers aren't lying, it looks like I'll have a nice snug fit shifter next week. Ordered the factory clip and washer to hold it on, and have the bleed kit ready to clear up the slave cyl tonight. So the makeshift (pun intended) shifter will just need to do for a few days. I'll post before and after pics when I do the remount, hopefully all goes well. At least I got to ride her the 220 miles to my house before things went haywire, hopefully I can get some more riding out of her before the slave cyl goes all sloppy again and I need to replace the seals.

(Seals are ordered for that as well, hoping to be able to wait till the weather cools down to actually do that job).
To verify, it does fit, at least it fits my setup. I did need two of the washers that go on the end, but luckily I had ordered two in the event I lost one, so I just put them both on. :)